23: The Walk

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They stopped around midnight.
The trio had decided to rest a few minutes before, their legs aching. Walking all day was not very fun, Ali thought miserably, just before her mind settled down for the night.
In a way, Ali was kind of sad that the walk had gone so well. Now she had a burst of paranoia, because of all the strange and freaky things that didn't happen.
Then she fell asleep without a second thought.
She woke up the next morning without a single dream left in her mind.
Cocoa, obviously, had had one, though. Or something like that. She was curled up on the ground, Maria beside her, and she seemed like she was crying. Not that Ali could tell from where she was.
"What's wrong?" she asked Cocoa, while Maria hugged her, whispering 'okays' in her ear.
"Dream- you- dead- worse. Ali- your mom and Roy- betraying us-"
Silence. Eerie. Ali hated it.
Then Cocoa got up, brushing the tears from her eyes and not looking so scared after all.
"Why do you look so scared?" Cocoa asked. "Did something happen?"
"You had a dream," Maria said carefully. "You were- well, it was scary."
"When did this happen?"
"Wait," Ali said, "you don't remember it?"
"Should I?"
"Yeah. You said something about us dead, and Roy- I think it was Roy, at least- he would betray us. And so would my mom."
"No, I don't remember that at all. So, I just got a sudden burst of amnesia? Does this even happen?"
"You know what, we should just keep moving. We can get to the castle in no time now." Maria got up, and Ali was pulled to their feet.
There was no glimpse of the wolf as they set off.
But around halfway through Ali saw someone as they were ducking down in the shadows behind them.
She twisted her head, and, rubbing her neck from the quick turn, glanced around the small clearing.
"Did you see them?" she whispered to Maria and Cocoa.
"Who?" Maria hissed back.
"That person over there," Cocoa pointed.
Well, now Ali knew she had seen them.
She tiptoed forwards, half crouching but half standing up, until she could see the figure, scampering up the tree.
"Who are you?" she blurted, clamping her mouth shut a moment too late.
"Nobody," said an obviously disguised voice.
"Yeah, you're totally a 13 year old girl with an invisibility cap," Ali said, laughing at her own reference.
"I am."
"No, you're not," Maria butted in. "You're Ali's older brother, and your name is Roy."
He dropped down, sweeping his hair out of his eyes like a stereotypical love intrest. Ali was interested, all right, but she was intrigued as to why he had left her in the middle of the morning in the middle of the forest and then followed her.
It was only when he responded that she realized she had spoken aloud. Darn you, ability to forget not to speak.
"Ali, darling, I can't tell you."
"Why not?"
"Because- NOW!" he screamed, and Ali felt a blow to the back of her head before a nice, soft fall into nothingness.

A/N: Recap- Cocoa had a dream but then forgot it, Roy showed up (yes I did Jaspcat360 ) and turned on her, and I made a reference that my best friend better not see.
Bonus points if you understood it. Heck, I'll even dedicate the chapter to you.
Thanks for reading, as always. I've been posting once a week for a few weeks now! Yay for me!

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