30: The Attack

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Ali rushed forward to Maria, not even really caring about whoever had shot at her. The arrow had hit her right in the chest...
She was bleeding. Ali tore off a piece of her shirt, forcing herself to stay calm stay calm stay calm.
"Ali," she whispered, reaching up to undo her sweater's zipper but fumbling.
"No!" Ali said. "You can't lose more blood."
"Could you get off of me?"
Ali realized that she was sitting on her in an attempt to save her life, which was probably not helping, and scrambled off.
She finally got a grip on her zipper, and she pulled it down, smiling, strangely enough.
"A bulletproof vest?" Ali said. Maria nodded.
"Stops arrows too, but you don't have one, so DUCK!" Maria jumped up and tackled her friend out of the way just an arrow went whizzing by. We scrambled to get onto our feet, sprinting away.
"You know, you really shouldn't be out of bed," she panted. "You were out of it for a while."
We stopped, partly because we were behind a corner and in a good enough hiding place that they couldn't see us and partly because Ali really needed a breather.
"Like, how long?"
"Um, maybe 3 days." Maria peeked around the corner. "We escaped, figured that's where you were, in the infirmary, and took it all back here. We'd kinda just found this place while we were running- hey, it's not easy lugging you around- and stopped in, hoping they'd have medical supplies and stuff."
"It turned out to be theirs, didn't it," Ali said, starting to jog out of the way again. She sighed, which Ali took to be a yes.
"The others were guarding the entrance. I don't know..."
"We'll find them," Ali promised. "This is a big base. They could be anywhere in here."
"Looks like 'anywhere' is here," Maria said, pointed towards three fleeing shapes in the distance. "That's them for sure."
Ali tilted her head to the side. "What about the fourth of them? Cocoa, Ed, Sandy, Tom... Shouldn't all four of them be there? Is one of them somewhere else?"
Maria gulped, noting that the trio were coming closer.
"Cocoa, well, Cocoa's on their team now."

A/N: Happy Canada Day/ Independance Day/ random week depending on where you live.
I was debating on making Maria actually die this chapter, but that would be no fun... Plus, I kind of need her for something in the future.
And so we hit 30 parts. In total, Dream will probably have 35 to 40 chapters, if my minimal amount of planning works out. Then I'll be going back and editing. A lot of editing.
Thanks for reading!

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