10: The Act

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"Where's Ed?" That was the first thing Ali said when she got back to Tom.
"He, he, he," Tom choked on his own words.
Ali looked around for an explanation. Ed hiding in the shadows, or the Queen, ready to jump out and take her away.
Scratch that last one.
"He what?" she asked. Maybe he'd woken up with no memory and ran away.
"He just," Tom searched to find the right word. "Evaporated? Disappeared? There one second, gone the next?"
Half-dragging Tom behind her, Ali made her way back to the 'camp'.
Seeing Tom frazzled, Cocoa ran over to help Ali haul him over to a tree.
"What happened?" Cocoa asked. She ran over to the food pile and grabbed a couple berries, shoving them in Tom's mouth.
"Ed," Ali replied simply. It wasn't enough for Cocoa.
"What about him?"
"He's gone."
"What?" Cocoa screamed. She covered her mouth with a hand immediately after, and looked around like she was afraid something would jump out of the bushes. "How?"
Ali shrugged. "Boom. Vaporized. Vanished in front of Tom's eyes. No idea. I wasn't there."
"You weren't? Then, who was?"
"Me," grunted Tom. He was attempting to stand up. Key word: attempting.
Cocoa nearly pulled her hair out. "What hap-"
"Guys," Ali said. "Can someone take me to the castle?"
"Sure," said Sandy, who had just come back from getting some more food.
The bushes almost seemed to regenerate the delicious berries.
On the walk to the castle, both Sandy and Ali were silent. When they got there, Ali was surprised.
"You didn't tell me it would be this, this big."
Sandy shrugged. "I wasn't the one describing it."
Ali's eyes scanned over the castle.
Turned out there was a hole in the wall.

Oh, hi there. Did you know that there's a hole in the wall?
Hope you like the newest chapter!

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