12: The Wolf

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Ali hit the ground.
The dagger was still gleaming above her.
She reached for it again.
"Stop!" yelled Sandy.
Ali snapped out of her trance, and fell to the ground, dizzy.
"What, what, what," Ali stumbled over her words.
"We need to get you back to camp," said Sandy, pulling her behind him.
She caught a last glimpse of the dagger, and the wolf beside it.
White as snow, it looked at her intensely.
"Don't," it seemed to say. It didn't matter. Ali knew she couldn't tell her friends about the wolf anyways.
The wolf had come for her, she knew, it had come to tell her something. It would have if Sandy hadn't stopped her from taking the dagger.
The dagger that was rightfully hers.
"Ali! Oh my gods, are you okay?"
"I would have been if Sandy here hadn't tackled me," Ali snapped back at Cocoa.
Cocoa glared at Sandy. "I had to! She was in this trance!"
"It wasn't a trance, okay? Just because I was ignoring you did not mean that I was in a trance."
"So even if I had said 'Hey it's a floating cheeseburger,' you still wouldn't have responded?"
"Maybe not that..."
"'Cause I did."
Cocoa stepped in between the two of them and shoved them to either side. Tom sat on her.
"Get off!" Ali screamed at the top of her voice. A flash of alarm appeared on his face, and he covered her mouth.
"Let me go!" she said. Or rather, tried to say. It came out as, "Emmivro!" which wasn't nearly enough for Tom or Sandy or Cocoa or anyone to make out what she wanted them to hear.
"Shhh!" shushed Cocoa. "The Queen's nearby."
Ali went still.
Sure enough, in a few minutes they could hear the Queen. The quartet ran into the bushes, hoping they wouldn't see them.
"It came from here, my Queen."
"Then we will search high and low for them."
Ali had the strangest idea.
She stepped out.

A/N: What do you think of the newest? And it turns out none of the possibilities I put up in 11 was true. And what is Ali thinking?

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