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Ignore my grammatical mistakes

Previous chapter (I didn't recheck before updating so if you find any mistakes please correct me💜)

"lf a pen didn't write in space they could have used a pencil! would have only cost 1cents!!!"Ayan said making everyone laugh also everyone thought he's correct

Chadok is too stunted to speak He looked at his assistant he quickly signaled everyone to stay silent

Everyone is waiting for the answer but

"Disperse....Time for class to begin" Assistant said to everyone and Chadok started to walk while thinking

They all started to disperse


Same day after the meeting

Ayan went out of room followed by wat Khan

Khan called wat
"Oi! He's a real tough cookie! Yesterday, he taught our seniors a lesson Today, he made Virus speechless
We must be on our guard with him"

Wat chuckled at that

Miles came running towards Ayan and shouted excitedly

"You gave Virus himself a nasty medicine! Boss, you are great
Bless me"MM said lie on the ground

Ayan laughed he slapped his head asking him to
"Get up"

"You're not going to school?"Khan came from back and slapped his shoulder

MM (millimeter):"Is it your father who pays?"

Khan picked his slipper and chased him who was running around Ayan

"Hey Let him go He's just a kid"Ayan said they all continue to walk Ayan put hand on miles shoulder

"You don't need fees to study in a school Just an uniform will do"Ayan said taking money out from pocket miles looked at him confused

"Whichever school you like get that uniform stitched Sit in that class room
without uttering a single word
Who will find you out in this crowd?" Ayan said while handing him the money

MM :"But what if they find out?"

"Change school and change uniform"Ayan said making miles nod his head in happiness they started to walk while khan stunted on his place...
wat was having an amusing smile on his face

Khan :"Did you hear that?"

Wat looked at the way they both went with a smile


(Present wat thoughts)

"He has something...a spark! He looks at ordinary stuff
in a totally new perspective
ln Virus's cuckoo flock he stood apart as a peacock!
We were all professor's robots!
He was the only human amongst us"

(End of his thoughts)

Rightnow they are inside the classroom

"What is a machine?"Professor asked writing on the board
Namo quickly raised his hands

Professor saw Ayan was smiling and rejoicing in his seat

Professor"What are you rejoicing?"

Ayan :"My dream from childhood is to become an engineer, sir l am so happy to be here"

Professor :"Enough of being happy! Define a machine"

Ayan :"Sir, a machine is anything that reduces human effort"

STEPS TO HIS HEART | AYANAKK FFWhere stories live. Discover now