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Ignore my grammatical mistakes

(Previous chapter

Wat :"Nowhere is ayan?"

"I am Ayan!"Ayan said while looking confused

"I mean
Ayan Thanawat Ratanakitpaisan" Wat asked making a conformation

Ayan: "That's me")


They looked at him confused

"Take care son"The guy who was talking to Ayan and Ayan walked him out

They looked around confused and wat eyes landed on the photo frames

What saw Ayan's degree certificate and the group photo which they took together where Ayan was in the front row beside Chadok

What went near the frame and had a better look

Khan and Namo followed behind him and saw the photo frames with widened eyes

And they were even more shocked to see
Their aye photo was replaced with the Ayan they just met now

They went from there silently without making any scene

________ >>>Time skip

They all booked a hotel room to stay in for the night

Wat: "Same name, photo, and degree
But the person is different"

Khan: "Wonder what cover-up has happened"

"Do you know what deja vu means?"Namo asked while coming out of the bathroom

"We feel an event happening now
has already been experienced by us
Isn't that deja vu?"Khan said while munching on the biscuit

Namo: "Do you know what's jamais vu?"

"Oh, sure! Relieving and not
zipping one's pants "Khan mockingly said while namo zipped his pants

Namo: "Idiot An extra familiar event seen many times
is unfamiliar, as if seen for 1st time
We are all in the Jamaisvu mode now"

Namo sat on the bed

Namo: "Ayan we saw in the photo is our classmate Aye But we have all forgotten
his face and imagine otherwise. This is my theory... howzat?"

Wat: "Bombs you shell out are better! How you got the address of Aye?"

Khan: "Yeah, tell us how"

Namo looked at Khan's hand he quickly went towards him and snatched the biscuits

"Hey! How dare you take my biscuits?
I got them from San Francisco Handmade and expensive Specially made for Kaipa Thanawat Ratanakitpaisan"

Khan: "Who is that kippa"

"It's Kaipa Thanawat Ratanakitpaisan Great scientist
400 patents World wants him.
We Can't meet him that easily.
I've chased him for 1 whole year
and managed to get an appointment If only he signs my company's deal
...I'll get a trillion-dollar business
I'll be huuuuuuuuuuuge" Namo shouted excitedly he was jumping with too much happiness

Khan: "Stop glorifying Kaipa
How did you get Aye's address?"

"You have to thank Kaipa for that My secretary Lara had come here
last month to meet Mr.Kaipa, She didn't get an appointment but she found aye"Namo said showing his iPad they saw Ayan behind the namo secretary wearing a cap

Wat: "Only 1 man can lead us to Ayan"


In Ayan mansion

STEPS TO HIS HEART | AYANAKK FFWhere stories live. Discover now