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(If there is any mistakes please correct me as I didn't check before uploading the chapter)

Every inch of you will bloom and blossom with flowers

Stars will appear like a silver moon

He could see the start are appearing like a silver moons

Aye sure made him a love sick"

Akk slapped himself and looked at the way Ayan went

He chuckled to himself "I guess what you said is true aye....It sure happens in real life"


Akk went to home smiling happily this is the first time he was happy after a long time

Nanon looked at akk like he was a ghost who was sitting in the couch with wide eyes

"Phi did you got hit by something....Why are you smiling this much? I'm sure you are not my are his ghost...get out"nanon said while pushing akk who just rolled his eyes

Nanon felt a sharp pain on his head as akk hit him

"Ouch phii"Nanon whined while rubbing his head

"You deserve it! Am I not allowed to smile"Akk said while smiling

"You can smile and be happy whenever you want.
That's my happiness too...But your sudden smile creeps me out..."Nanon mumbled last words receiving another hit

Akk :"Why are you still playing around.
Go to sleep"

"I won't go without knowing reason behind your cute smile"Nanon said while crossing his hand sitting on the floor

Akk shook his head made nanon stand up
They both sat on the couch while akk lied his head on nanon's lap who started to play with his hair
It's always like this if they want to have talk akk will lie on nanon lap to feel relaxed to speak whatever his heart and mind what's to tell

Akk"You know ayan right?"

"Oh how can I forget my favorite phi"Nanon said while smiling akk glared at him

Nanon :"Phi you're always my 1st favorite...p'aye is my 2nd favorite"

Akk :"Good for you....Today we kinda had an adventure taking aye friends pa to hospital....when he was in his critical condition"

Nanon :"Taking a patient to hospital? Is this what you call adventure..."

Akk :"Shut up and listen...we took him by my bike"

Nanon :"WHAT?'s going to rain. You won't allow anyone to sit on your bike except me and p'kaew"
After some seconds nanon grinded making akk irritated
"So p'aye is an expectation....someone is falling in love~~"

Akk :"Love my ass...but tbh their friendship is really awesome....And there is another important thing"

Nanon :"What"

Akk :"Your p'aye made me broke my engagement with niran"


Akk :"shh Don't shout"

Nanon :"Ok it for really broke your engagement"

Akk nodded his head with a sigh "as you said he's a money craz donkey..."

Nanon :"I'm always correct....and I'm happy that you Broke your engagement with that money tag"

Akk sit straight and looked at nanon
"I should go to hospital tomorrow...better we get to sleep"

STEPS TO HIS HEART | AYANAKK FFWhere stories live. Discover now