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Ignore my grammatical mistakes

⚠️ This chapter contains suicide 

Previous chapter

"Ayan-ananda's halo is switched off!"Khan and Wat started to tease him

Khan: "Go ahead scary cat"

Ayan looked up at both of them he smirked and stood up from his place

Ayan: "Come with me...Let's go"

Khan: "Where?"

"To cover your head and have sweet dreams!"Wat teased while both laughed at Aye

Ayan: "Come with me"


They all are now standing in front of Chadok's home

Wat went towards the name board with a stone in his hand

"Hey! Principal Saturday is your funeral," Wat said looking at the name board

Khan: "Check out if there's a dog"

Ayan: "Why? Is your tummy somersaulting?"

Khan: "Yes"

Ayan rolled his eyes and they both went in

"I'll break each tooth of yours 1 by Virus bacteria! Sssssshhhh!

Spicier Very Embarrassing" Wat was in his world hating the principle


Ayan and Khan jumped inside the room
Ayan went near the bed while Khan sat on the window taking the guitar from the stand

"I'll give the background score," Khan said while starting to play the guitar

"Akk," Ayan called lightly tapping on his shoulder

"Who is it?"Akk asked with a hand sign hiding under the blanket

"Shh! Don't make a noise. I am Aye"

Ayan can see Akk nodding his head under the blanket

"Listen to me for 2 minutes! I'll leave after that"Ayan said Akk showed thumbs up

"Why spend time talking? What joy does that bring?"Khan said rolling his eyes

Ayan: "Akk Those 20 minutes I shared with you
in that scooter the most beautiful
moments I'll treasure, always I want my whole journey of life to be shared in the same way"

Khan: "Wowwww!"

Ayan: "Just that thought gives me a high! Tell you, something"

Ayan: "You come in my dream daily in that same my bride in your wedding suit. You remove your helmet and come close to kiss me...but the kiss gets missed"

"Aww" Khan mumbled sadly wiping his fake tears

"Why?"Akk asked with his hand gesture he still didn't speak a word under the blanket

"Our noses collide! I woke up"Ayan said sadly sighing but got startled when

"Idiot! You could have bent your head a little and kissed him"Akk's sister Kaew came out from the blanket startling Ayan and Khan

I thought you were Akk" Ayan stuttered in his words falling to the ground
Behind Akk's sister there he saw Nanon laughing at him

Kaew: "Could have been Akk"

"I'll kill you," Akk said while coming out from the blanket

"Phi Why did you spoil the fun?"Nanon said pouting

STEPS TO HIS HEART | AYANAKK FFWhere stories live. Discover now