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I'm alive😱😱
Today was April 12! Calliopes birthday!(actually it's Calliopes actors birthday but whatever) And Jules had a surprise for her.

Calliope has just gotten home and was quite tired, no one had wished her a happy birthday yet besides her mother, father and older brothers. Cal opened the door and saw Juliette wasn't in her normal spot. She thought nothing of it and went to the kitchen.

"Cal!" Juliette yelled, hugging Calliope from behind. "Hi Jules" Calliope said as she continued to make her sandwich. "I missed you"
"I missed you too... what wrong?"
"Nothing!" Juliette said as she places soft kisses down Calliopes neck. The taller girl just giggled.
Juliette paused, before kissing Calliopes neck again and she giggled once more.
Another pause. And Juliette began to tickle Calliope. The brunette burst into laughter as she tried to make Juliette stop.

"J-Jules! Stop!-" Calliope yelled pushing Juliette away. She panted before looking Juliette in the eyes.
The smaller blond just giggled and said-
"You have such a cute laugh.."

(I'm just gonna try and post on Wednesdays and Saturdays so I have time to write! Mk bye!)

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