Chapter 1

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Welcome to the start of my 2nd amour book, Amour High. Hope you enjoy it!


A raven hair boy stepped out of a plane that just landed in Viridian City airport. Perched on his shoulder is a yellow mouse. The boy stretched his arms, yawning before looking at his best friend.

"It's great to be back right, Pikachu?"


That's right, it's none other than our main protagonist, Ash Ketchum, with his best friend Pikachu. He has just returned from Galar after winning the Masters 8 Tournament, making him the newest World Monarch.

"Though, this whole thing still feels surreal. Doesn't it, buddy?"

"Pika pi?" Pikachu asked, looking at his trainer curiously.

"I mean, now that all the adrenaline has died down, who could've imagined that I managed to beat the World Monarch only 8 years after becoming a pokemon trainer?" Ash replied, scratching the back of Pikachu's head as they walked.

The past week had been hectic for the iconic duo. Having been crowned the new World Monarch after beating Leon, they were dragged off to many interviews before managing to leave Galar back to Kanto. Chloe stayed back in Galar to help her dad, Prof. Cerise, with some research, while Dawn took another flight home to Sinnoh.

"But that doesn't mean it's over!" Ash exclaims, "I might have become the World Monarch, but I still have a long way to go till I become a pokemon master. And I'm never giving up till it's over!" He finished as Pikachu raised his fist and gave a cry in agreement.

The two continued their walk home in silence, taking in the beautiful scenery Kanto had to offer, or at least Pikachu was. Ash was deep in thoughts as the words "never give up till it's over" reminded him of a certain honey blonde. I wonder where she is now. The last time I saw her was 10 years ago, but I have a feeling we'll meet again soon.

While Ash has told everyone that the reason he is going on his journey is to become a pokemon master, a title long forgotten in the pokemon world ever since the last, and only pokemon master, Red Ketchum, disappeared 14 years ago. However, the title was only partially the reason. The other and main reason was so he could find a certain honey blonde again.

*Timeskip to Ash's house*

"Mom, Mimey, I'm home!" Ash yells as he opens to the door to the Ketchum residence. Soon, a woman in her forties appeared from the kitchen and rushed towards the door as she engulfed Ash and Pikachu in a massive hug. That woman is Ash's mom, Delia Ketchum.

"Mom... c-can't breathe." Ash managed to croak out as Delia released her grip on them.

"Hehe, sorry about that, dear. Congratulations on your win and good job out there, Pikachu!" Delia praised, scratching the back of Pikachu's ear as she said the last part.

"Dinner will be ready once you finish your shower. Gary and Prof. Oak will be coming over, too." Delia informed the duo as she made her way back to the kitchen. After Delia went back into the kitchen, Ash and Pikachu made their way up the stairs into their bedroom. Pikachu immediately hopped onto the bed and curled up into a ball to rest, tired from the flight. Ash, however, made his way over to his trophy wall and admired his past achievements and most prized possessions. The Masters 8 Trophy will be delivered in a few days, but that won't even come close to the most important thing he owns. In the middle of all his achievements lies a picture encased with a heart-shaped frame. The picture in question was one of 8 year old Ash and 8 year old Serena holding hands during one of the camp activities. Ash smiled fondly at the picture before heading off for his shower.

*Timeskip to dinner*

Ash, Delia, Gary, Prof. Oak and Pikachu sat around the dinner table as they ate the hearty meal prepared by Delia with light chatter around the table.

"Congratulations on becoming the new World Monarch Ash!" Prof. Oak says proudly.

"Yeah, grats, Ashy-boy." Gary added, happy for his childhood friend to be one step closer to his dream.

"Thanks, professor, Gary. But I still have a long way to be before I become a pokemon master." Ash replied, still getting used to the fame and praises from his most recent victory.

"So Ashy-boy, what are you going to do now?" Gary suddenly asked. Ash was stumped. He hadn't really thought about what he was going to do after winning the Masters 8 tournament. As Ash was deep in thought, thinking about the possibilities, Delia decided to speak up.

"Oh, right! Ash, a letter came in for you today, and it might just help you decide."

Delia then passed Ash an envelope with the words "Amour High" on it. After opening the envelope, Ash took out a letter which read:

Dear World Monarch Ash Ketchum,

I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join Amour High, a pokemon school in Kalos, based on your recent achievement during the Masters 8 tournament.

The school's aim is to nurture rising talents to help them grow and understand more about pokemon. Battlers, performers, and researchers are all invited to join the school. Students will be required to live in dorms of two students. Please fill in the form in the envelope and send it back to us as soon as possible if you're interested. We hope to see you at Amour High.

Principal Diantha and
Vice-principal Sycamore

"Going to a school sounds interesting. What do you think, buddy?" Ash asked Pikachu, who had jumped on his shoulder as Ash read the letter.

"Pika!" Pikachu replied as he stared at the letter, excited for a new type of adventure.

"Alright! Amour High it is!" Ash yelled as he pumped his fist upwards, Pikachu copying his actions.

"I'll help you send the form tomorrow then. You'll go with Gary and Prof. Oak to Kalos, then." Delia said.

"Gary and Prof. Oak?" Ash asked, confused.

"I got into the school too, and gramps will be joining the school as a pokemon biology teacher." Gary replied. Ash smiled, going to a new environment with Gary and the professor, someone who he thought of as his grandfather would be fun.

The rest of the meal was spent with Ash and Gary sharing their respective adventures before the Oak's left, and Ash started to prepare for bed.

After Ash brushed his teeth and came out of the bathroom, he found Pikachu curled in the same spot as before, asleep. Ash smiled as he pat Pikachu's head, earning a satisfied "chaa." Ash then walked over to his table and picked up the picture of him and Serena, smiling fondly at it. Still holding the picture in his arms, Ash drifted off to sleep, with one final thought in his mind.

"I promise you honey, I will find you soon."

A/n: And so the 2nd book of mine officially starts. I'll try to post a chapter every 2 weeks, but forgive me if there are delays. For a heads up, chapter 2 will be happening at the same time, just Serena's side. Enjoy :)

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