chapter 3

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Time was 4: 12 pm

You was hold amy wall she was crying and she was holding on to her sonic plush. Tails was watching  you and amy.

(Amy): it didn't work! I was so mean  just like you told me to be and all I did was make him mad! MY LIFE IS OVER!

(Tails): oh jeez amy. Maybe negging w a a bad idea.

(Y/n): you thank negging is bad....what is negging again?

(Tails):and we can't give up.i know we can make sonic love you.

You where about to say something but you where cut off

(Amy): I can't. It hurts so much. I just not good enough.

That made you snap you stand up and go to the door

(Tails): where are you going?

(Y/n): I'm going to talk to someone.

You slammed the door closed and started walking to sonic house.

Meanwhile at tails'es house

(Tails): that's it! That's the problem. It you!
You not good enough for sonic,

Amy starts to cry more

(Tails): but... we can fix that.

(Amy): how?

(Tails): simple. We change you.we make you better! We make you into sonic's dream girl! Wait, what am I saying. Soon many alterations...the process would be far too dangerous...

(Amy): DO IT! I'd do anything, ANYTHING to be with my sonic. He is the one for me and that's never going to change, so it looks like I'll have to.

(Tails): I don't know Amy. Only if you're absolutely sure...

(Amy):I love him miles qnd if I need to change everything about myself. For hi. To love me back I will....

Amy fall down on the ground abd says : please, say you'll help me?
Tails huges Amy and says : okay okay, OK course I'll help you. After all, what are friends for ?

Door slam open to show you walking in :did I miss something?

(Tails): no not really just me helping Amy

You look over to see amy smiling and that make you blush a little and smile back

(Tails): oh and y/n you can sleep here tonight just " pick up some headphones and  gives them to you" where this ok?




To amy and tails in the basement

(Tails): that's it. Sleep now qnd when you wake up,you'll be a brand new you.

Amy fall asleep and tails starts working on her

You where sleeping in Tails bed with the headphones on and since he wasn't there you ripped up one of his yellow pillow it you sleep.


You wake up in the middle of the night to see the door opened. you got out of Tails bed qnd walked to the door to close it but whin you got there you see red footprints on the ground....

(????): what are you doing up?

You turned around fast ready for an attack just to see Tails. You stop your self and look at tails in the eyes

(Y/n):  the door was opened..

(Tails): ??? Oh. Yeah here

He walked past you and closed the down
And he said : there you go now go bad to b-b-bed---!?!

He looked at his bed to see it was rip and broken. He look at you and said : what happened? And you just shrugged you shooders qnd said : I don't know.

He stared at you and then he started to walk back down to the basement.

(Y/n): um...hay Tails can I ask you something?

Tails stop and look at you with a confused look and ask : um..yeah..what's up?

(Y/n): how do you tell someone I like them? And I don't mean like I mean like,like them.

Tails walks over to you a sats down and said: well you would ask them out or just tell them. Why do you ask

(Y/n): just wanted to know nothing importanted

(Tails): well o-k.....and can you place go home.

(Y/n): oh he he yeah "you said and start to walk home"

It was late and you where about to go to sleep and then you realized you left you jacket at tails'es house. You started to walk back a then you heard someone you put your ear next to the door and heard it was amy? "Why is amy where so late did she left somthing here to" you though so you looked in the window to see a dead sonic and you fast jumped down with fear on you face. Not knowing what to do you hid  in the bushes as fast as you could and start to listen to them

(Tails): you in a lot of trouble if qn one finds out you know...

(Amy): I know I know I know...can you help me Tails?

(Tails): yeah what are friends for?

You started to get out of the bushes but you door opened and you fastly went back in you bushes two see Tails with a shovel and amy with a body bag .they both walked into the woods and you followed but you went up in the tree watched them.

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