Cute Demon [18+]

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What appeared before him was a demon in the most obvious sense of the word.

Long black horns adored their head near two goat-like ears. Long, white, fluffy hair spilt over his scalp and curled around his neck in bouncy waves. Upon his face, with a lighter patch of skin, were slit grey jewels for eyes that peered back at him in an observatory manner. His skin was a much darker shade of brown compared to Loukas' own golden beige and it looked as soft and smooth as the finest silk sheets. He also had a long blue tail that curled just so, two tiny bat-like wings that poked out of his sleeveless top. To complete it all was the shortest of shorts Loukas had ever seen on another man that accentuated the fine curves of his buttocks.

He was...

More attractive than Loukas thought a demon would look, it did not help that the guy was also very short, which decreased the initial intimidation factor by a lot.

Not the kind of demon he expected for something like this.

Even so, he wanted a demon's help, and he certainly got one.

He did not look nor sound too scary...

"Hey, I was talking to you, your tallness," the demon sniped as Loukas, still stunned that his summoning even worked, picked his jaw from the floor.

"Um... I... I-I um.." Loukas tried to find his words, "Um... You, I-I was... Um, s-s-summoning and-and-"
"Okay, I got the memo already," they said with an unimpressed look. "At least you're not some old, wrinkly, limp-dick idiot... Maybe just the idiot part. Most people who manage a proper summoning of me are usually some form of lonely virgin losers, LVL."

Loukas did not know why, but each description felt like a sharp stab in his heart. As far as he knew, he was only one of those things.....

Virginity was not something bad just meant he wanted his first time to be with someone special like in those romance novels with only someone's chest on the covers.

Albeit he had kinda gotten sick of reading about those guys.

For story reasons, nothing else...

Lonely part maybe. It was just hard talking to people on campus in his first semester. Even now, he never talked to his roommate that much...

A loser is a state of mind. Or at least that was what Jack said to
Maria-Anne, as in his last words to her before he left to be with Ashley in that book he read last night. Loukas tried to hold on to those words.

"H-huh? LVL?" Loukas was still not over the fact that this was actually happening.

"Yup, I made that up myself," the little demon boy said with the cutest smile as he puffed out his chest with pride, "But I highly doubt the V part is accurate with your kind of bod. If you know what I mean..."

The demon boy sensually licked his cherry-coloured lips and sharp fangs. To Loukas' shame, the man's... Everything caused the lower part of himself to twitch at the sight.
The demon's eyes gazed over Loukas' body before they stopped on his cross, and he quirked his brow.
Loukas saw this and bowed his head apologetically. "Oh, s-s-sorry if th-that is offensive. I-I was um... Expecting someone b-bigger and um-"

"Look before your stuttering keeps me here until the heat death of the universe, just call me Hide," the demon asked deadpanned.

"Um... Okay, Hide... My um... Name is Loukas Asbjorn... Um... yeah," Loukas said as he tried to get up.
"Loulou, got it," Hide smirked.
"No, it's Loukas."
"Whatever you say Loulou, I honestly don't give a shit."

Why does the book mention nothing about demons being jerks?
As Loukas thought that, two small hands held onto his thighs and he recoiled at the sudden touch.

"Also, don't lie to me, my big baby boy," Hide whispered into his ear. "I dealt with kinky idiots before. You wouldn't be getting me if you truly wanted something bigger."

Loukas' breathing hitch at how Hide words brushed into his ears and those smaller, well-manicured hands caressed his thighs as they crept up.
Loukas held the smaller demon at the waist not to push away but...

He was not exactly sure what he was doing, but the touch felt like electric sparks, in a good way.
"Wh-what are you talking about?" Loukas asked as he felt blood buzzing in his ears.
"Dominating a cute little twink kink is unique. But I can kinda see it just a corruption fetish."

... What?

This must be a dream.

Or the summoning killed him and he was now hallucinating in hell.

The demon licked the side of his neck as those hands finally reached and caressed his clothed erection

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The demon licked the side of his neck as those hands finally reached and caressed his clothed erection. Loukas felt himself smouldering. His hip jerked into the touch.

This had to be one of those dreams.

It just had to be.

Yet it felt so real.

Loukas mind could not focus on feeling guilty for once and forgot what he initially was here to do. Instead, he let out a low moan at the sensations, especially as the forked tongue dipped into his collarbone.

He reciprocated as he allowed his own hands to glide over Hide's

smaller, more delicate frame, noticing the demon's excitement as his fingers brushed against the front of his shorts. They let out a loud lewd moan and grinded into his hand. Everything suddenly did not matter to Loukas, all except for that noise that escaped the demon's lips.

He wanted to hear that again.

"You're touch is lovely. Give me more, big boy," Hide cooed with need. Loukas held on to the demon with tightly coiled fingers and pressed against him.

He so wanted to nip at that scrawny little neck of his. Bite as hard as he could, dig into his flesh and indulge in his scent. He smelt so amazing, of sweet apples, lovely freshly cut grass... Meat.

Loukas pulled back as that thought crossed his mind.

This was not a dream.

"W-wait st-stop. I-I got, Y-you. W-we. I think I have the wrong idea here!"

Loukas sputtered out ignoring the raging hard-on this whole strange event had caused as it twitch in disappointed desperation.

"Eh, alright. Fine," The demon huffed in annoyance. "You want more roleplay or something before?" Hide shrugged his thin shoulders, "you were pretty much ready to jump into this right away." His eyes lowered, "Even now..."

"N-No, um," Loukas shook his head as scratching the side of his face as he tried to cover the erection poorly, "I mean... You're a demon, right?"

"Yeah, duh, I'm an incubus," the man scoffed, before his goat-like ears flatten with annoyance, "Look, you summoned me here for sex cus you're horny and sex is what I can do. Just because I'm not some muscle-bound asshole or a big tit bimbo doesn't mean I'm fucking stupid. And would take some BS."

"Huh, no, no, I didn't mean it like that," Loukas said, drawing his legs into himself.

An incubus?

Just a demon for sex?


That's not what he wanted, not at all what he...

He messed up...

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