Of Vanilla {18+ Mature}

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Hide paid no mind to that intense stare the wolf pup gave him. Instead, he licked and savoured the caramel-coated apple he had received earlier that night.

The fact he was on the back of a giant orange wolf-dog made that sad sap of a vendor think twice about charging them.

A win in his book.

"So why did you pick this place to study. Seem's pretty crappy." Hide asked.

Loukas seemed to snap out of that trance and said "Um... I didn't really pick it. My mom did I um.. just went along with this."

"AAh I see, you could do sooo much better thou, mama's boy."

Hide casually rubbed the top of Loukas' head as he licked at the sticky treat. He emphasized behind the ear as he ate before he turned to the brightly lit sky. Hide's goat-like ears twitched at the sound of the werewolf's tail thumps on the grass.

"H-hey what are-are you doing?" Loukas wolf said as he lifted his head under the petting.

"I know from experience it's relaxing to get a pet around the ears," Hide said as he looked towards the lake.

Humans horrified at his date were not something Hide cared about. However, he was aware Loukas walking around town stuck like this would bring too much-unwanted attention.

Not that he cared, but Loukas seemed to care about that fact.

So here they were, miles away from the campus in a secluded spot in the woods. A place where couples would sneak off to bang each other against the trees and get thorns.

So they still had a chance of getting caught.

Loukas's crimson eyes seemed to sparkle at the suggestion, before he shifted his head away, "I... I guess it feels nice... Hey um... "

"Um, what?"

"C-Can I um... pet you?"

Hide rolled his eyes. "Maybe, but you got more paws and claws than hands for tonight. Maybe another time."

Hide did enjoy a soft hand around his goat-like ears.

It was just that a lot of his previous clients tend to take that as an invitation for some less.... Fun things.

Hide was aware the Loukas was not completely safe to be this close to. Albeit when that wolf tore into him, teeth glistening, eyes blazing with fire...

Would his human form be the same as that? Would he hold on to a passion as strong as that?

That sweater Loukas wore did him no favours. It hid and soften all his most appealing features. Hide felt hardened large pecs and cords of muscle under his clothes during that feel up. Hand upon his neck strangling him with eyes blazing with hunger and longing. Those teeth, that tongue, that desire within to either fuck him senseless or tear into his body...

His dick twitched eagerly at the thought of such things.

"I... um. I can try," Loukas said as his fluffy tail wrapped around his lower body, interrupting Hide's little fantasy.

Damn it, he should get fucked and get this over with as soon as possible at this point.

"Wait, Pet me?" Hide turned to Loukas with a raised brow

Hide was about to give a straight no, but a thought came to his mind instead.

"What about a kiss?" He went as close as possible to Louka's maw, which caused the young werewolf to shift back a bit.

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