Pound of Flesh

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Loukas frantically looked at his watch in a panic, and could only stare at the digits displayed in green and black on the screen.

"7:00 pm"


How could he have forgotten?

His reason for doing this...

He was alone with...

"Loulou what's wrong?" The previously jovial Hide touched Loukas' shoulder and, in a panic, Loukas slapped his hand away, shoving the demon to the floor with a snarl.

"Please, go away! Get away from me! I'm sorry, I-," Loukas knew it was already too late as he felt an intense pain course throughout his body. It started as a dull throb but within a minute, it became like a burning fire that scorched at his muscles, nails digging into his bones. He clutched his abdomen, doubling over in the intensity of the pain.

"I'm not a complete asshole. You're hurt," Hide got off the ground and grabbed the crook of Loukas' arm, "Come on, I think the human hospital can deal with this."

He was... So damn stubborn.

Barely knows him...

Yet cares enough even after being shoved so roughly...

Little thing...

Little sweet thing

"I said LEAVE ME ALONE!" Loukas growled at the demon. Hide flinched back at the sudden aggression, his grey eyes widened in surprise and Loukas' pain grew worse.

The young man was blacking out from the agony as he heard and felt his bones crack and shift loudly like sticks under a heavy boot. The sound of cracking and rubbing grew to a loud echo throughout the room. Everything around him became a blur of red and scent, as Loukas felt a sticky fluid pour out of his eyes.

The scent of the rusty pipes of the basement and the smell of damp mould and mildew from the corner of the room burned his nose.

Worst of all was the most prominent scent. The scent that assaulted his nose the most at that very moment.

Hide's scent of brimstone, fire and meat

He did not want to hurt anyone.

Yet every month since he was 12, it was the same thing. Back home, it was manageable. Fed wolf's bane and thrown out into the wilderness on full moon days.

He could run away from everyone who cared little for him. Especially after the first incident, but here...

There was no place to run. It scared him; he wanted it all to stop.

This was his chance to find a cure.

If he could summon a demon, maybe they could find a cure. They could grant a person's desire and he desired a cure more than anything.

Yet, even in that simple aspect, he messed up.

The sweet taste of blood filled Loukas' mouth. The genuine desire for flesh was the only thing on his mind as his tongue finally had the taste of something so sweet it was intoxicating.

Even whilst overwhelmed with tastes, scents and sounds, he felt the cold despair at what he had done wash over him.

He bit and chewed off an enormous chunk of meat, off an arm of something that felt so small, so fragile in his wolf-like maw. The bone broke so easily under his fangs like chalk.

Everything was a haze and Loukas just wanted to fall into it forever. At least to forget and avoid whatever grief that may come upon him.

However, a tiny thin arm wrapped around his neck, and a nose nuzzled against his fur

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However, a tiny thin arm wrapped around his neck, and a nose nuzzled against his fur.

The giant wolf growled at the sensation, yet motion continued and the smaller body pressed against him let out a chuckle, "R-rough play already?"

A very nervous laugh escaped those pairs of lips.

The image of the man he devoured was clear, underneath his larger body rocking against him with one arm with such a sweet smile anxious smile, "This isn't my first time mauled but calm down, alright."

The words were clear, his scent was lovely, his touch was a pleasure.

Loukas' mind came back and the only words that could run through his mind were, "What have I done?... What have I done?"

Hide sat below him, an arm dangling on to only a strand of meat, fingers stiff and twitching, bits of white bone stuck out of the skin in various places. Blue and black splotches on that once immaculate part of his body.

That smile now sullied with a clear nervousness around him.

He ruined it.

"... I'm.... I'm sorry... so sorry." He tried to use the sanity he had regained to wiggle out and run as far away as possible.

But the surprisingly firm hands of Hide kept him still. Hide said "Loulou, calm down. I'm not mad or... scared." He breathed out that last word. ".. Calm down... You're getting my blood everywhere, haha."

Loukas let out a whimper. He... How can he even make a joke about this?

Hide kept petting him and hugging him under his furry body, Loukas forced himself to finally look Hide in the eye and noticed something... off.

The demon's face was flush, his breathing was heavy and the way he held his knees together...

Was... Was he...

Turned on by this?

No, no. That did not make sense at all.

It could not be that, right?

"Come on, this shit heals in a week. Just need to wrap this thing up tight together and no one will know a thing. I'm more surprised to see a werewolf this young nowadays."

The giant orange-coloured wolf with a muzzle still covered with blood stopped struggling and laid down on top of Hide. If he could cry in this form, he would.


"Yeah, I get it. You're sorry. No big deal," Hide said back. He brushed his fingers through the wolf's fur as his slowly healing arm lay limply to his side.

The two sat together in silence. Hide did not even react or give notice as Loukas licked at the rapidly healing, bloody, mangled appendage.

Of course, even now he just wanted to taste it.

He wanted to make up for this, but How could he?

The meat... was almost like deer and beef.

Goat meat...

"So, when are you ready for the date tonight?" Hide asked nonchalantly, as he rubbed around Loukas's neck. The wolf-like ears perked up at his request.

"You... still want to go out with me?" Loukas asked, astonished.

"Well Yeah. You being a big hungry dog doesn't change my mind. You're still clearly you..." Hide looks away and mutters, "And you are still too nice...."

Loukas could not believe he was not dreaming. Most people when they see him transform cut off all contact with him. But Hide....

"But I-"

"No buts, consider this payment for the arm."

"B-but where?" Loukas asked.

"Eh, I'll just say you are my big emotional support dog. No big deal." Hide laughed and Loukas could not help himself but lick the side of his face.

"Haha, who down boy, haha." Hide's laugh were clear bells to Loukas' ears. "I'll ride on your back so no asshole would mess with us when we walk in."

Loukas felt that there was a disaster incoming from that plan.

The tiny demon then got close to him and pressed against his furry body. Hide said, "I'm also curious. You seemed to be a real big boy from what I felt during our little feel up earlier."

Loukas' ears felt teeth and fangs nip at their tips.

"However, I would looove to try out that wolf knot after this little date. Consider this my first time to something like that. hehehe"

Hide was going to be the death of him tonight.

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