"When im gone."

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Emily walks a good block or two until she believes she is far enough away. She drops to her knees, dirtying her petticoats. Her shoulders heave up and down as she cries into her palms, soundlessly.

What feels like forever, turns out to be about a good five, ten, fifteen minutes when the bell tower strikes noon. It would be by lunch now.

At the back of her mind, Emily wondered what they may be feasting on. her favorite, Pork and Radish? Or perhaps something more.... "Oh dear heavens... Forgive me." Emily said aloud at the thought of thinking such a word.

Emily reluctantly removed her palms from her pink, blotchy face. The sun was a beautiful Golden-Amber Rose. She then saw a very familiar hand, turning out to belong to Soot. She took his hand and stood, embarrassed for him to see her in such a state.

Emily fussed with her skirts, all the while looking downward. "Come, Emily. I must tell you something." Soot says in a soothingly calm voice. Emily nodded politely and followed Soot. No matter how terrible she felt, she would stand above what one thought of her.

Soot led her to a peaceful, blissfully quiet, bridge. It wasn't far from the park, and lie above a river which perfectly soaked the summers rays.

"I'm not like you, Emily. Am I'm, we're, not supposed to act upon times like these, but I've watched you... From above. And I'd like to be, your guardian. My dear, I fear you may be in trouble..." Soot said as though he had practiced it many times before.

Had the poor lad gone mad! Emily, startled out of her mind, had no sense in what her thoughts were. just jumbled masses, and she had the faintest idea what to say. So instead- her mouth took on a miss-intended "O".

She shook her head, backing against the bridge. "Emily..?" Soot questioned cautiously, before taking a step forward toward her. Emily shook her head, unwilling to believe it. As she did so, she lost her footing and slipped, landing in the ice cold water.

She tried for shore but the current swept her away and under water. Soot quickened to the edge and called her name, before jumping in himself.

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