Lies decieve, But the truth never leaves.

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Emily was met by a friendly, if not mischievous smile beside her. Soot. "So you're awake?" He asked.

"You didn't..." She began.

"No, no." Soot replied with a goofy smile. "I had Annie take off your wet clothes and give you the blanket. I swear on my life, no one saw anything." He replied in a serious tone.

"Well... I feel exposed. Do you have any clothes?" She asked, embarrassed.

Soot plucked at his shirt with his pointer finger, and thumb. "What- you want this?" He teased.

Emily's face went bright red. "No!" She says averting her eyes from Soot. "Where is this... Annie?" She asked changing subject.

Soot let out a long sigh, and Emily thought he wouldn't answer. But he proved her wrong. "We lost her at our camp. That's where we took you after you passed out, and well... How do I put this lightly? Princesses need knights for a reason."

Emily refrained from rolling her eyes. "I'm not a princess, and I'll do just fine in my own, thank you." She huffed.

"Less you know the better. Remember that 'birthmark' on your leg there?" Soot asked, putting air quotes around the word birth mark like a spoiled brat.

And all Emily could do was nod. "Well- each of us get one as we're born. It isn't exactly a birthmark... More of an imprint." He explained.

"We? Who's we?" Emily asked eyes wide.

"Pops never told you? Honey, you're not exactly... Human." Soot replied. Emily wanted to believe he was lying, or just plain mad. But he looked so serious, and part of it... seemed right on spot.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 21, 2015 ⏰

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