Chapter two

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Aron, she was there standing on the last step.

"Monić I can't believe you're leaving in two days." She said pausing and looking around before she continued; "everything is going to be so different without you." She said and all I could do was roll my eyes. Then I saw Jack and hugged him. "JACK!" I screamed jumping into his muscular arms. "Monić," he replied nonchalantly but still hugged me. "I'm going to miss you so much," I said into his shoulder. "Same," he replied as he tried putting me down but my legs clung tightly around his waist. "Mon you can-"

"Let me have this moment."

He sighed before he just shook his head and laughed a little.

"I'm going to miss you Mon." He whispered into my hair. To say my heart was doing backflips was an understatement.

"I'm going to miss you too Jack," I replied, and then more silence. But this, this was a good silence it was like me and Jack were sharing a moment. This was the moment I always wanted to have with him but never got the chance to. This was that moment.

"Alright Monić," he said patting my back signaling that it was time for me to get off of him. A pang of hurt slipped in my eyes and I could tell because then he said; "look Monić we're friends that's it I'm not expected to treat you like a girlfriend especially since I already have one. I don't know what happened to you and Aaron but don't drag me into it." He said before walking away not knowing he was the thing that happened to me and Aron. The rest of the party was miserable a lot of people I didn't know pretending to care about me and to make things worse everywhere I turned Aron and Jack were exchanging saliva.


"Is that everything?" my mom asked for the 40th time and again I nodded. "Monić, again, I'm sorry but this is best for you. Now I'm serious is that everything. " she asked looking me in the eyes. And I knew she was seriously sad to be letting me leave but in her mind, this was the only thing she could do. "Yes ma'am that's everything," I replied for the 41st time. "Ok, try not to worry too much about us don't forget to call us every day and if a door opens for you walk in DONT wait until the doors are about to close tell us after." She said as tears begin to fall down her eyes. "Now go, go live your best life." She said closing the trunk of the car. I was about to sit down but someone called my name. "MONIĆ!" I heard making me stand up straight again and turn towards the sound. There stood Jack. "Yeah?" I said shyly.

Before I knew it he begin walking closer to me and I was already pushed against the car so I couldn't move back anymore.

"Monić, I never thought I'd say this but after the party yesterday seeing you hang out with all those other people and not with me (maybe because you broke my heart AT MY PARTY) I realized I don't like Aron as much as I thought I did... I like you and I know I rejected you many times (once, was it, you're making it seem as though I was desperate.) I think we should give us a try" he said and all I could do at that moment was laugh. "You wanna give us a try? For real or are you just saying that so I'd be across the world thinking oh I can't get into a relationship because I'm with Jack while you're over here cheating on me? You think I'm that naive that I'd do that? I used to like you for real but no that was then and this is now. Have a great life without me. Oh, and You're the reason me and Aron aren't friends anymore. Ask her for the details." I said before I pushed him out of the way and got into the car. Slamming the door to further prove my point.

"You can go," I told my stepdad and he nodded and begin driving. I looked out the window back at Jack and my heart sank. I was just being petty in the heat of the moment. I had wanted a relationship with Jack for years but it never happened. The second I could get into a relationship with him I shot it down. How dumb was I for that?

"Your mom told me you and Aaron were still friends," my stepdad said looking at me through the mirror. Why is that any of her or your business? "Nah," was all I said before I begin strolling through TikTok. "And it's because of him?" He asked and I knew who he was talking about. "Long story," I replied. "We've got plenty of time," he replied. GET THE HINT OLD MAN I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU!!! "I'm not comfortable sharing it right now," or ever I replied getting bored of TikTok and that conversation. "I won't tell your mother. And I'm a therapist it helps talking to people and maybe even finding a solution to your problem. I know at first it might be uncomfortable but just give it a try?" He said and I sighed putting my phone down. "We were best friends me and Aron. Then Jack moved near us and we became the dynamic trio everything we did we did together and I started catching feelings for Jack. This was sixth grade. I told Aron after I saw her flirting with him that I liked him and I wanted him and she said 'ok you can have him I'll find someone else' and I was delighted to hear that. All through seventh and eighth grade, she told me to tell him but I was scared. Fast forward to the summer before ninth grade I told him and he told me he didn't like me. He said he liked Aron and he realized he liked Aron after they shared a kiss. I was heartbroken and I felt betrayed so I went home and called Aron only then did she tell me she and Jack had shared a kiss at the end of the middle school dance. The dance I didn't go to. That's when we stopped being friends." I said as tears fell down my eyes. Just reliving that time made me so angry. "So why did you feel angry when Aron is it? (Yes it's Aron) kissed Jack after giving you hints that she as well as you liked Jack?" He asked. "It wasn't that she kissed Jack it was that she promised she wouldn't make a move on Jack. She also promised the kiss was a one-time thing and then she got into a relationship with him. Also, she kissed him and didn't even tell me knowing I liked him." I said and he nodded. "That makes sense. But don't you think if Aron was showing interest in him before you it'd only be fair that she got to be with him? (TRAITOR! TRAITOR!) hear me out. You liked Jack but showed no sign of interest. She liked Jack and showed signs of interest. She didn't know you liked him and as far as she could've known you only said you liked him so she couldn't get to him." He said and honestly it made sense I never thought of it that way. "Thanks for opening my eyes," I said getting tired. "Thanks for opening up to me and talking to me." He said and his voice sounded genuine. After that the car was silent and I fell asleep.

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