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It was December 31st, 2019 at 11:57 pm and May Springs was laying on her bed rewatching Doctor who. More accurately, season three episode one, "The Runaway Bride". She loved that episode mainly because it introduced Donna, but also because it showed even the Doctor is not immune to the dark thoughts that run through his mind. And May found that comforting in a way.

As the credits rolled, she let out a yawn. Checking the time on her phone, she saw the clock changed to 12am in the morning. It was officially the year 2020 and it was time for her annual tradition. Wishing. For the past three years, she would whisper to herself a wish you knew was outrageous but May somewho found joy in it. Like, she knew it would lead to something, she just didn't know what. So, holding her phone in her hand, May squeezed her eyes shut. I wish I could travel through time and space with the Doctor.

After she repeated the thought a couple more times in her head, she grabbed the remote and shut off the T.V. Once the screen went black, May took off her glasses and placed them on her night stand next to said remote. Putting her smartphone on the charger, she pulled the covers up and closed her eyes. Waiting for sleep to take her.

However, the eighteen year old opened her eyes, confused once she felt light shine through the room. Popping her head up, she saw her T.V was still on. Squinting, she placed her glasses back on her nose to see better only to squeak once she noticed the light seemed to be coming for her! Scrambling out of bed, she yanked her phone off the charger and rushed to her door, only for her to fall when the light grabbed her leg.

Trying and failing to hold onto the wooden floor, the white light enveloped her. Sending her into the unknown.


Hello everyone! This book has come back to life in the news of David Tennant's return, not that I didn't like Jodie, in fact I really liked her rendition of the Doctor. But, I just thought it was fitting seeing that the Universe's first adventure is with the 10.

So, just so everyone is aware, this is being rewritten seeing I was fifteen or sixteen when I wrote this. So I hope you enjoy!


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