The Shakespeare Code

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As the T.A.R.D.I.S went haywire, the three people on board grabbed onto the console so they didn't fall. When this was all happening, Martha decided to start questioning how the time machine worked. "But, how do you travel in time? What makes it go?"

"Oh, let's take the fun and the mystery out of everything." The sarcastic remark slips out of the Doctor's mouth as he hits the box with a hammer. "Martha you don't want to know. It just does. Hold on tight!" The Doctor slaps the break button causing them to go flying and hitting the side railings. The Universe groaned as she rubbed her back, already feeling a bruise forming.

But Martha just pops back up and asks the million dollar question. "Blimey! Do you have to pass a test to fly this thing?"

"Yes and he failed. Also, she's not a thing! She's a sentient being, who would appreciate it if you didn't smack her with a sledgehammer!" The teen said the last part while glaring at the Time Lord.

"Oi! That's not fair! You hardly know each other and you're already gaining up on me." He pointed as he walked around the two girls trying to put on his coat.

"Now, I promised you one trip and one trip only. Outside, this door." He ran to the front doors and turned around to look at us. "Brave new world."

Martha looked breathless. "Where are we?" The question came out in a whisper, trying to comprehend that it's actually happening.

"Take a look. After you." A smug smile forms on the Doctor's face as he opens the doors. Martha was the first out, having little to no hesitation. Yet Uni stood still for a few more seconds. Taking a breath, she followed the others out and was amazed to actually find herself in London, 1599. Her face broke out into a giddy smile, she had traveled across universes (not on purpose, mind you) and now time to meet Shakespeare!

"Where are we?" Martha backtracked "No, sorry. Got to get used to this, whole new language. When are we?"

The Doctor was about to answer her question when someone above us shouted. "Garde a l'eau!" He pulled us back just in time so we didn't get hit by the shit thrown out the window.

The Doctor looked down with a grimace. "Somewhere before the invention of the toilet. Sorry about that."

Martha was surprisingly okay with that. "I've seen worse. I worked the late night shift, a&e."

"Lovely." The Universe's nose scrunched up at the smell before changing the subject. "Oh, we're in London, 1599 before I forget." She swung her arm over Martha's shoulder. "And just so ya know, we're safe. We won't change anything, just don't step on any butterflies." A smirk pulled on her lips at the face that Martha pulled, shocked that the teen knew what she was thinking.

"What have butterflies ever done to you?" A look of confusion crosses the face of the Doctor, not understanding the joke.

As we start walking, Martha begins asking more questions. "Well, I don't know. What if I kill my grandfather?"

The Doctor looks down at her. "Are you planning to?"

Martha looks at him mad. "No."

"Then you have nothing to worry about." The dimension traveler told her friend. "Time is fickle like that."

Accepting the answer, she moved the conversation back onto their surroundings. "And this is London?" She turned to Uni with a big smile.

"That's what I said. London, 1599."

A look of panic swipes across her face. "Oh, hold on. Am I alright? I'm not going to get carted off as a slave, am I?"

"Why would they do that?"The Doctor responds in a patronizing way. The Universe couldn't help but to roll her eyes at the man, he's such an ass in this body sometimes.

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