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Long.. long time ago.
    There once lived a faithful guy with a smile that could outshine the sun.

He used to live among the common villagers. Where they were all living happily under the wise ruling of a young king.

"grandma.. isn't there any other story you could've told us? It's always the same one!"

Fufufu... well my dear. This is a story of our family history. I'll have to make sure that you don't forget about this like your mother..

"But i dont want to have kids! Not even a partner! Ew!"

That is fine then.. you could always pass this down to the other kids.. one's where they aren't biologically yours.

"Mm! Fine fine.. whatever floats on your boat grandma.."

Well, that young boy.. He isn't exactly as evil minded as people interpreted that he was. That boy has a pure heart of determination, a soul that does not give up so easily.

"Ooh! I heard that the soul of determination is quite powerful! Is it true grandma?"

Well.. That, i cannot tell. I have no magic whatsoever due to my soul being completely normal.

"Aww man.."

.. ahem ahem. Back to our little backstory.. that guy wasn't as famous as he is now, back then. People would diss him for being a wanderer around the world. Not because they hate travellers, but because they hated the fact that they'll need to welcome the outsider in their 'country'.

Unfortunately, due to his weak appearance and soft heart. He failed to have the respect of those people.

So.. he went away. So far away to the point that..

Nobody knows where he disappeared off, but he eventually came back, with another mysterious traveller.

And that traveller.. is none other than a mere-looking human called y/n.

"Oh! Oh!- I've heard of that name before, mama told me that she's like.. the beauty of galaxies itself.. with stars twinkling around her floating hair!"

i see.. so your mom did remember a little bit of information about her..

What else did she told you?

"Well um.. she told me that she wasn't really the one to mess with..? Well mama made it sound like y/n is a strong woman, So I wanna be just like her one day!"

Oh? Are you really willing to become just like her?

"Of course! Who wouldn't want to?"

Ah.. what a naive child you are my little chara..

Because Soon.. you'll meet her. But not here, somewhere else.. further than this land.

It's been 457 years since the apple incident. Is my brother really proud of all this?

Where was the nightmare that i know?

Where have he gone to?

Was it really my fault that things turned out like this?

Gripping tightly onto his weapon, dream couldn't help but to narrow his eyes as he then shook his head from thinking too much about it.

It's all in the past.. yea, I cannot change what's been destined to happen.

But.. can i really do this? How am i even supposed to bring my brother to who he once was?

Do i, even know who he actually was?

Dream has been questioning himself a lot lately after he had been freed from his stone prison. His heart has been holding on to so much guilt and sadness since then.

It really pains him to forget about those events. Forget about his brother.. and about y/..

Wait, who?

Y/.. who? I don't think I've ever met someone named like that.

Suddenly, a small creak from the door had dream surprised. He didn't even notice that anyone was coming over to his room.

Snapping his skull straight at the opened door, he stood up quickly and approached the door slowly.

"BOOM!" Said a happy skeleton, popping up from behind the door as he did a Surprises attack on dream with his prank.

He has quite a dirty ink drop on his cheek, it weirdly fits him as it's easier now to recognize who is who.

"Ink! Don't scare me like that-" ah what a coincidence it is, even his name is ink..

"Hee hee, oh cmon Cmon dream! It was just a small prank" he said, patting dream shoulder with his hand gently as he then laughed off loudly about how easy it was to scare off dream.

★ 𝑴𝒚 𝒔𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒓  || nightmare sans x reader Where stories live. Discover now