3: Separation

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After changing into more appropriate attire for the century, I walk with Claire to Morgana's chambers. Unfortunately, the girl beside me isn't in the mood for conversation, so we walk quickly in silence, only stopping to ask guards if we're going the right way. I would say something, but the air is tight with tension. I subtly observe the expression on Claire's face. It's a mix of anger, nervousness, and worry. I string some words together in my head before saying them out loud, and let out a shaky breath before asking her some questions.

"Claire... do you mind if I ask you some questions?" I look briefly in her direction to see her smiling warmly at me. I smile back at the response I've received.

"Of course not! We're friends, aren't we? What would you like to know?" She gives her full attention to me, her big brown doe eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"I just wanted to know... what happened between you and Morgana? You mentioned earlier that she tried to kill you," her eyes widen and her expression darkens for a moment, but she nods her head and smiles softly, as if to reassure me that I didn't cross any lines.

"I overexerted myself with shadow magic once and was sick for a long time. Morgana had been possessing me at night and made me take down the barriers we used to protect the town against the Gumm-Gumms. When Jim and I were on a date, she completely took over and possessed me so she could kill him. My soul was trapped in the Darklands with no way out. If it wasn't for Jim..." She trails off, and I stare at her in shock. It's no wonder that she's so angry at Morgana now.

"I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how it must have felt to be used in such a way," I look down at the floor, wondering if that was the right thing to say to her. Claire touches my shoulder, prompting me to gaze up at her smiling face.

"It wasn't your fault. There's nothing any of us could've done about it. But, if anything goes wrong here, promise me you'll protect Jim," She halts her movement and clutches one of my hands in both of hers, eyes filled with determination. I steel my expression and nod in response.

"I promise," I grasp both her hands with my free one, and we walk the short distance left to Morgana's chambers in a comfortable silence.


"Morgana?" I walk into the dark room and call her name. "Reporting for handmaiden duty," Claire says as she follows me in, and we look around the room together.

"The Shadow Staff..." Claire whispers and picks the staff up, gently handing it to me. As my hands graze the cold stone, a voice rings out.

"Aren't you curious? My new handmaidens, familiar with dark magics. I saw it in the court," Her tone turns somewhat accusing at the end of her sentence, and I freeze as I realize the mistake we both made.

"What? N-no. That was just-" As Claire steps up to defend the both of us, Morgana comes towards me instead, noticing that I've frozen in my spot with guilt.

"What do you know of the Shadows?" She leans intimidatingly closer to my face to question me.

"N-no idea what you're talking about..." I chuckle nervously and take a step back, looking to Claire for ideas to get out of this situation. She shrugs.

"Don't play coy, little lambs. You both are hiding your knowledge from me and from Arthur. You stood against my brother to protect a troll, a magical creature like myself, like us. The others fear our potential and would quash it. But I do not fear magic. It is true strength," during this monologue, she picks the Shadow Staff up from its bench and aims it at a portrait of her and Arthur. Her bracelet chimes and she chants an incantation.

"Aurai capernus umbra," as Morgana utters these words, the portrait gets darker around the edges, engulfing Arthur in darkness until only her face remains. At this point, Morgana is visibly struggling to finish the spell, but she sighs weakly and the shadow fades, restoring the portrait back to its original state.

Skrael's Redemption (Sequel to Sirenheart's Skrael x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now