Chapter 9: Grandpa's Precious Card

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"So, your grandpa is the one who taught you the basics Yugi?" Anzu asked.

School was finally over. Akia, Yugi, Anzu, Jounouchi, and Honda were all on their way to the game shop. Akia did invite Bakura to tag along, but he told her that the teacher offered to help him catch up with everything that he missed. She couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that she wouldn't be the one helping him out with his studies anymore.

"Yup," Yugi replied, "and I taught Akia the basics that grandpa taught me."

"You shouldn't have... Now she just owns everyone in this game, just like every single other game you taught her," Jounouchi sighed in defeat.

"It's not my fault that I'm smart," Akia bragged.

"Only game smart," Jounouchi teased her.

"Speak for yourself, idiot!" Akia retorted while chuckling.

Jounouchi ruffled Akia's hair, which made her bangs cover her eyes.

"Hehe, now you look like a drenched puppy," Jounouchi laughed.

Akia sighed while trying to adjust her hair again.

"Man, you two bicker non-stop. If I didn't know better, I'd think you hated each other," Honda joked.

"Hate Akia? Impossible. She's way too fun to mess with," Jounouchi kept poking fun at his short friend.

"Shut up!" Akia protested with a smile.

Akia looked in front of her and watched Anzu and Yugi being absorbed in some kind of conversation that apparently made them both really happy. The truth was, Akia knew about Yugi's crush on Anzu, and, she had a feeling that things could work out between the two of them. Just as she was absorbed in her thoughts, Jounouchi put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him.

"W-W-What are you doing?" Akia stuttered, which was very unlike her.

"What? Can't friends do that to each other? Wait... don't tell me... You're being shy?" Jounouchi gave Akia a mocking grin as she felt her cheeks burning up.

"No, you dumbass! Why would I be?" She turned her head away and a lot of thoughts entered her mind. "Why did he do that... I mean, if he was just a random friend it wouldn't be a problem, but he's a friend that I... kind of like more than just a friend. I know he won't return these feelings, but he sure is making it hard on me to brush mine off. I guess I'll just enjoy the moment while it lasts..."

"Here we are, guys!" Yugi informed them.

Jounouchi let go of Akia and went ahead with Yugi to the game shop. She felt a little disappointed as his hand retracted. They all got into the game shop and were welcomed by Sugoroku at the counter.

"Hey, grandpa," Akia greeted her grandfather

"We're back, grandpa!" Yugi followed suit.

"Well, well, you brought all your friends with you, too?" Sugoroku remarked.

"Yeah, gramps. Yugi told us about this super rare card you have," Jounouchi replied.

"Well, let me go get it," the elderly man happily answered their curiosity.

Sugoroku got a small box out from under the counter and opened it. All eyes were on the card that was placed face down in the box. The twins' grandfather then took it out and showed it to them.

"Here it is," he said as he took out his most precious card, "the Blue-Eyes White Dragon."

"3000 attack points?! This is extreme!" Jounouchi yelled out in excitement.

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