Chapter 55: Breaking Free

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As Kaiba Corps' driver was getting closer to the mysterious duel disk's location, Akia's heart was beating faster. She felt extremely anxious about what she was about to do. This could put everyone in danger, but it could also give them some kind of opportunity. The driver dropped her off in one of the alleys close to the location marked by Mokuba. Akia quickly got out and started looking around. The place was full of boathouses. She deduced that that signal had to come from one of them.

There was nothing on the outside that could give it away at first glance. Granted some of them had their doors closed, so Akia decided to start investigating those. She ran as quickly as she could, flinging the doors open as she went. Most of them were empty.

Marik had been alerted that there was a girl outside snooping around the boathouses. Just as he was about to give out orders to deal with her, he heard the door fling open. He got up from his seat quickly and made his way up to the top of his boat, making sure to hide himself from whoever had just entered. Glancing her way, his heart leapt as he realized who it was. It was Akia and she looked like she was determined to find him. He couldn't let her see him, though, or she would find out that he was lying about his Namu identity. He couldn't have any of that. He then turned towards Rishid who was always there with him and gave him his orders. "Deal with her!"

At the same time, he commanded two of his Ghouls who were now just around the corner to take Akia away from there.

Akia heard someone coming from behind her as she went in the boathouse. Two Ghouls walked towards her.

"Stop, don't come any closer. I wouldn't want to hurt you." She warned them as she reached into her backpack and quickly took out her Millennium Scale. Since the Ghouls didn't have a mind of their own, they just kept getting closer. She sighed and took out her Scale and launched herself at one of the Ghouls, making the Scale touch them. She didn't know what it would do since the Ghouls were not really in control of their minds. The Scale tipped over to the reveal the evil nature within Marik's underling. This caused him to scream in pain and the eye of Anubis glowed on his forehead, before disappearing fully. The man then collapsed on the floor, motionless. Akia didn't have time to wonder what was happening, so she did the same to the other Ghoul. When they were both on the ground, she checked their pulse and sighed in relief when she felt it.

Marik stayed hidden but was in disbelief at what had just happened. Akia had just banished him from the two Ghouls' minds. He could not let her find out about that or she would be able to undo all that he had worked for. Her scale was his rod's natural enemy. The three Millennium items of justice were the key, the necklace, and the scale. The three items of evil were the ring, the rod, and the eye. The puzzle possessed both justice and evil. If she learned to use her scale right, his rod would stand no chance against it. He hoped Rishid would be able to get her away from there.

Akia had started making her way to the boat. She was now sure that the Ghouls were trying to keep her away from Marik. Knowing that he was so close, she couldn't contain some of her excitement. As she got closer to the boat, a large cloaked man came out of it and blocked her way.

"Another one? Please, I just want to see Marik and talk to him. I don't want to hurt anyone," Akia said as she positioned her Millennium scale in front of her in a defensive manner.

Marik was hearing everything she was saying. A big part of him just wanted to get out there and face her. He wanted to talk to her, to be close to her, but he knew he could not jeopardize his plan like this.

"I don't want to hurt you either. Please, just leave. Nothing good will come of you being here," Rishid told to her.

Back at the pier, Jounouchi was showing signs of breaking away from Marik's mind control. Whether it was because of his will power or because Akia had distracted Marik, it was certainly a glimmer of hope for his friends. The pharaoh had let Yugi take back control of his body, since they believed he would have a better chance of getting through to Jounouchi. The Red-Eyes Black Dragon was also on the field, visibly weakened.

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