Chapter 7

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When I woke up I was in my own bed. I touched my head which was now bleeding. It hurt so much, I could barely move! Ethan wasn't anywhere near me at this point. I tried to get up but my ankle was tied to the bed with rope. Shit

I said to myself. Nobody was coming to help me, I lived alone and the only person that knew where I lived was Josh! OMG I NEED TO CALL JOSH! My landline was on my bedside table. I reached SO far to grab it and when I did, I dialed his number and it rang a few times before he picked up.


"Hey buddy, long time no talk!" he answered.

"I need your help come to my house immediately I'm tied to my bed!"

"Ok, I guess so but wh..."

The phone cut dead. There was no sound. Ethan appeared next to me and was breathing down my neck. I looked at him scared.

"Well,Well Well, I see you have invited over a friend to come meet me!" he said.

I said after, "I swear if you touch him I'll..."

"You will what? Kill me? I got news for you Cameron, I'M IMMORTAL, and you can't do shit."

At this point, I didn't know what to do, my only friend was coming to my house and there was a werewolf in here that is going to kill him the minute he walks through the door.

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