chapter two: hints

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Eddie ~
"I'm serious! It's kind of been this little thing between me and myself. To be honest, I don't even know why I told you." Steve explains. "'Steve Harrington admits his envy for local freak, Eddie Munson.'" I hear Steve sigh. "Hey, um, what was going on earlier? I know I keep bothering you about it, but I'm just trying to help, man." He asks, sounding genuine.

Like he really cares. Maybe even worried? Well, that's a little far. "I Just.. I didn't sleep good last night." I look out the window. Yeah, Eddie, good idea, let's lie to him. That'll make him like you.

Great job.

"Nightmares..?" Steve asks, like he's pointing out the obvious. "Yeah.. yeah. It's so stupid. I.... I don't even know why. I mean, I do know why, but they just won't stop." He goes quiet for a few minutes, so all I can hear is the wind blowing through my window, and the semi-quiet snores from Robin and Nancy in the backseat.

"I knew you were still in Hawkins. You used to talk so much about how you were going to 'leave this hellhole' and never come back. But, your uncle lives here, and you could never leave Dustin like that. Poor kid's already traumatized enough. He doesn't need his best friend leaving too." Best friend? How much has Dustin been telling Steve?

"I'm not his best friend, Steve. You are. He won't shut up about you. Plus, you've known him for three years. That's a whole lifetime! You're like.. his idol!" Steve parks in front of a dim house. It doesn't look big. No upstairs. "You moved out of your parents house?" I ask, getting out.

"Oh, yeah. Few months ago. Nancy and Rob actually picked it out for me. They're really good at... design?" I let out a laugh. I pick up Nancy, and start walking towards Steve's front door. Robin decided to walk, with Steve's help, of course. He unlocks the door and walks inside.

I follow him into a bedroom, and lay Nancy down on a bed. Robin lies down next to her, and immediately falls asleep. Steve and I walk into the living room, shutting the bedroom door. "Nice place you got here, Harrington. I guess you could say I'm jealous." I smile, sitting down on the couch. He sits down next to me.

"We can watch a movie, if you want. I have a bunch of tapes that I got from Family Video-" I start digging through a box, scanning over the titles of each tape, until I come across one. "'Steve's 20th birthday'? Aren't you 20 now? Did I miss your birthday?" I ask, holding the tape up. He grabs it and inspects it with a confused look.

"I don't even remember someone making this. We can watch it, I guess." He slides the tape into the VHS. Steve clicks the TV on, and watches. Robin and Steve are singing Tears for Fears. "Steve.." I mumble, holding back a laugh. "I.. NO! SHE TOLD ME THAT SHE DELETED IT! ROBIN SAID NANCY DELETED THIS!" He exclaims. I burst out laughing, because now, Steve is dancing with Robin. I think they're drunk..? He looks so happy.

"You missed a lot, Munson."

Steve ~
"So did you, Harrington." I look to him. "Then, catch me up. You've barely said anything, Munson. That's not usual for you." Eddie gasps, dramatically. "Ouch!" I let out a quiet laugh.

"I'm telling you. Nothing much has happened, Stevie. I graduated by the skin of my teeth, but that is a victory in my book. Hellfire is conjured forth every Friday. Band practice is Sunday. I stopped dealing, because my uncle found out, and let's just say he wasn't too happy, so now I'm incredibly broke. People still give me the 'murder' look, so that's great." I pause for a second.

"I could talk to Keith, and see if he'll hire you?" Eddie stares at me. The lights are off, but I can still see the outline of his face. "I would be honored, King Steve." I turn back to the TV. "Thanks. For this." I softly smile.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Munson. The only reason I'm putting a good word in for you, is because Robin, would love to have another person she can ramble to. Apparently I'm 'so boring', which I disagree because I'm a catch! I can cook eggs, play guitar, drive, good work ethic. I don't know why someone hasn't asked me out, yet!" I exclaim, laughing. Eddie nods, and looks away.

"Hey, um, where am I sleeping? I'm pretty tired." I stand up, and click the TV off. "You can take my bed. I'll sleep on the couch." I point to my bedroom door. He nods and walks to the door, opening it. I grab the blanket off of the back of the couch, that Robin insisted I keep folded. I lay down across the couch, and cover myself with the knitted blanket.

I stare up at the ceiling. Obviously he didn't get your hint, Steve. You just made him uncomfortable. Why can't you just tell him? I shut my eyes, trying to avoid the stupid little crush I have on Eddie. It's not important, and if we're going to be working together... I just can't. I toss and turn all night, until I wake up to a loud noise.

I sit up and stare into the kitchen. Robin's starting coffee. "Did you sleep long enough, Steve?" I sigh and stand up, folding the blanket, and placing it on the back of the couch. "My head is going to explode." Robin mumbles.

"Maybe you shouldn't have drunken so much, then. Oh, hey, I was talking to Eddie last night, and I told him we'd talk to Keith about hiring him. He needs a job-" "Did Eddie leave?" I peep into the crack in my doorway, to see Eddie still asleep. "No," I say. "He's still sleeping." I sit down at the kitchen table.

"You're acting weird. What's wrong?" Robin asks. "Just thinking." Nancy walks into the kitchen and kisses Robin's cheek. "Didn't I tell you to keep that blanket folded, Steve? Why were you sleeping with it?" I look at Robin and roll my eyes.

"I let Eddie take my bed. There were no blankets around me besides that one. Sue me, Robin."

A/N: hey readers! another chapter for you lovelies! much love♥️
words ~ 1079

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