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A loud alarm clock rang.

Bulla sprang out of bed, running through her door and down the hall.

"Y/N, Y/N! Wake u-- Huh?" Bulla said, rushing into Y/N's room only to see his bed empty, not even Nonon being present.

"Down here!" Y/N yelled from the kitchen.

Bulla ran down the stairs with a giant smile on her face, one so huge it could brighten anyone's day.

Y/N and Nonon were in the kitchen wearing aprons and chef hats, performing various different tasks.

Y/N was whisking 8 eggs together for the strawberry cheesecake, and Nonon was boiling noodles.

"You remembered!" Bulla yelled, dragging a large stool over by Y/N and climbing atop of it.

"Yeah, of course I would. I wouldn't forget something you told me about!" Y/N said charismatically.

"That's not the REAL reason..." Nonon muttered, straining the noodles.

"I heard that! Don't ruin it!" Y/N said, raising his voice so Nonon could hear him over the faucet running over Nonon's hands.

"Don't ruin what? Is she going to ruin the turkey?" Bulla gasped.

"What? No! I can cook a turkey better than anyone on this planet!" Nonon complained.

"Says the girl who grew up with butlers who cooked all her meals" Y/N muttered.

"Oh, you son of a--!" Nonon said, grabbing a bag of flour, ready to dump it all on Y/N.

"Hey, hey, hey! We need that flour for the pastries!" Y/N said, raising his hands up in defense.

Bulla couldn't help but laugh at their antics, this same sort of situation would happen on the daily.

"You're lucky I love that cheesecake you make!" Nonon said, admitting defeat and setting the flour down.

"And YOU'RE lucky I'm willing to cook it for you!" Y/N said.

"Alright, break it up! Break it up!" Bulla said, stepping inbetween the two's bickering and pounding a pan and a wooden spoon together.

The two still continued to glare at eachother, ushering in a small competitive vibe.

"I'm not wrong about what I said, now am I?" Y/N said.

"You ARE wrong! I can cook anything better than you can!" Nonon said.

"Oh, really? Then how about we put that to the test" Y/N said.

"You're on, monkey boy!" Nonon said, turning her back and returning to her noodles.

"Oh, you're getting it now!" Y/N said.

Y/N began putting together the ingredients for his famous strawberry cheesecake.

Y/N had already finished the crust before Bulla came in, so he was working on the filling.

64 ounces of cream cheese, 2 2/3 of granulated sugar, 2 cups of sour cream, 2 tablespoons of vanilla extract, 2/4 teaspoon of salt, and the eggs he had just whisked were the ingredients.

In a huge mixing bowl, he beat the cream cheese silly until it was smooth and creamy, adding the sugar and sour cream after and mixing that in aswell.

He added the vanilla extract and salt, and he beat the entire thing together lightly until it was all mixed together.

He added in the eggs, slowly pouring them in as he mixed the creamy filling together, then, once it finished, he mixed it until it was all combined together.

NEVER STOP FIGHTING - Kill La Kill x Saiyan Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now