Part 33

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Scarlett's POV

The two of us just stood in the restroom for a while, both needing a second of reassurance from the other. Don't get me wrong Theo's family seems lovely, I just don't quite understand their dynamic. I mean my brothers would never speak to me like Rhys just spoke to Theo, and if they did there would be an uproar from the rest of the family. Meanwhile, Theo's family just sat back and watched, as if they are used to someone speaking to her like that, and it breaks my heart. Especially if being with me is somehow already affecting her relationship with her family. I know they have a complicated bond. I mean she moved out at sixteen and across the world at eighteen and it's not like she has a tonne of time to visit. But she always speaks about them so fondly, as if they see each other every day, that I would hate to put a strain on her relationship with her family.

"We should probably go back before Kat pumps Rose and Cosmo full of sugar and they refuse to go to bed tonight" Theo whispered into the quiet room after what must have been five minutes, making me sigh. "One more minute. I have missed you so much and my stupid kids keep hogging you" I whine into her shoulder, just wanting one more minute of peace just the two of us before we go back out there. I could feel her chuckling as her chest vibrated, filling me with a warm feeling, knowing she was ok.

Eventually, she let me go, although was quick to lace our fingers together as she tugged on my hands and led me back to the table, who seem to be having a blast as loud chatter filled the area, everyone seeming to be in some sort of conversation. Although Cosmo must have sensed the arrival of his favourite person, which is obviously Theo and not me, as the second Theo went to pull out my chair he was squealing excitedly. "MAMA MAMA MAMA" he cheered, making Theo smile as Kat just shook her head at him as he tried to escape her lap. "Here I was about to stuff you full of ice cream and you would still rather leave for her" she joked before passing him to me so that I could hand him to Theo. Although he didn't seem happy that it was taking longer than he dreamed acceptable as he started to cry. Honestly, Theo says he is the most chill baby ever, and most of the time that statement would be correct, apart from where Theo is involved. Then he becomes the biggest drama queen ever. If I thought Rose and I were bad, Cosmo is obsessed with his Mama. Honestly, you would think everyone else on the planet is chopped liver because the way he acts when someone comes between him and his Mama is hysterical.

Such as right now as he starts to have a meltdown of epic proportion on my lap just because Kat handed him to me instead of his precious Mama. I mean I birthed him and yet I am still not enough for the little devil. "Just pass him here before we all go deaf" Theo chuckled as she reached out for him, Cosmo copying her actions as he continued to wriggle in my arms making grabby hands for his precious Mama "MAMA" he whined loudly, tears falling down his cheeks. If he wasn't causing such a racket the whole thing would be comical. I mean he has just gone two months without her but he is acting like spending twenty minutes away from her is catastrophic. 

Shaking my head with a chuckle I pass him over, counting down from five in my head as I watch the tears stop almost instantly as he digs himself as close to Theo as possible. "Mama" he whines against her collarbone as she rubs his back, looking at him softly "I know Cossy, Mommy and Kitkat just took forever handing you over, didn't they?" She cooed at him, making me scoff. "Um, a, I am the one who squeezed his mellon head out so I can hold him whenever and b, I had him for less than two minutes then and he acted like the world was ending just because he wants his Mama more than his Mommy. Honestly, I was just waiting for you to sit because you are done carrying children today" I sass back, making her chuckle as she shook her head, although I know she agrees about not carrying any more kids today. I can see in her eyes how exhausted she is.

I hadn't even noticed that everyone had been watching us until Annie started talking to us, a smile on her face "when did he start calling you Mama Theo? He wasn't doing that before Christmas" She asked, making everyone seem to hum in agreement, making me realise that Cossy had just outed just how serious we were to everyone. I mean I have no idea what Theo has told her family about us, I know for sure she hasn't told them about the baby, but other than that I have no idea what they do and do not know, so I figure letting Theo answer this one was for the best. "It started just after I got back, Rose did it as soon as she saw that I was back, and this little monster started copying her straight away" she explained, tickling Cosmo slightly as he calmed down fully and started to tug on her hair, making his giggles fill the space around us.

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