Part 34

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Theo's POV

"Mama, can we go in the sea when we get to the beach?" Rose asked excitedly as I finished putting the last board in the boot. Rose had insisted on 'helping' which really meant watching as she nagged about when we are going to leave. Since the jeep had a fairly big boot we were loading all the bodyboards into our boot alongside the volleyball net and ball, while all bags were going in my Dad's car. "Of course, we can Flower. See these boards?" I ask, pointing at the now loaded boot with a smile "they are bodyboards and we and gonna play with them in the water, they are kind of like a baby surfboard but you lay on them instead of standing up. I got you a wet suit and everything so that you can give it a shot once we get there. All the others will be doing it too so I thought you might have fun giving it a try with Millie. Why don't you go up and find Mommy and put your swimmers on while I double-check the wet bag has everything else we will need and see if all the food is packed?" I offer her as we walk back into the house, laughing to myself when I see everyone running around like headless chickens as they all try to get ready for the day trip. 

After a long, and argumentative vote, we decided to go to the beach for the day and now we are all getting ready to leave. Despite having our own private beach just down a short path we are opting to go to a different beach today, one that has more waves since the boys all want to bodyboard, hence why my boot is now full. I mean sure it isn't as convenient but it is totally worth it so we can mess around in the sea, despite all of us being grown-ups, my siblings and I still love to act like children and this is one of our favourite things to do together while on holiday. You would think now that we are all grown-ups that it would be easier to get ready and leave for trips like this, but it really isn't. Mam says we are all old enough to get ourselves sorted but we really aren't, so we get ourselves ready and then she redoes everything saying that we did it all wrong. Hence basically doubling the time it takes for us to get ready, especially when you factor in all the yelling she does as she redoes everything. 

I mean just standing here now, I can see Craig run around in just his swim trunks looking for his goggles, he is blind as a bat so has to wear them while in the sea or he will get smacked in the face with a bodyboard, we learnt that the hard way, safe to say Rhyse got into a shit tonne of trouble while I had to save a crying Craig from drowning. Then there is Annie who is braiding her hair while sipping her tea, still in her PJs as she talks to a pouting Kat who wanted to go horse riding today, neither of them getting ready as they get yelled at by Aunt Maddy to get sorted. Rhys is storming down the stairs glaring at Craig, who I now realise is wearing his trunks again. I mean Craig has a bad habit of accidentally wearing all of our clothes. One time he tried to leave for dinner in Kat's t-shirt, my jeans and Rhy's socks and shoes and the best part is he didn't even care, just shrugged, before changing when Kat demanded her shirt back.

Mam is running around checking that she has towels for us all because Rhys constantly forgets one. While Aunt Poppy is chasing a laughing Millie who is just about to plough into me. "And what are you up to trouble?" I ask, pulling her into the air as she tries to run past me, only in her PJ shorts and a vest. "Mam wants me to wear a one-piece and a wet suit but I want to wear a bikini just like you do" she whined, making me laugh. "I'm not wearing a bikini today trouble, so go get changed so we can go," I tell her knowing I am wearing board shorts and a rash vest in the hopes they cover everything, it also protects me from sunburn and means I don't have to bother with a wet suit. "Fine" she huffs, slipping out of my hold and sulking as she goes back upstairs.

Shaking my head at the chaos around me I make my way to the kitchen, smiling when I see my Nan making sandwiches, she always seems to calm, even when everyone around her is acting like maniacs. "Do you need any help?" I offer, walking around to stand next to her, eyeing up the mini pasties that came from the Tesco delivery on Friday, those things are my favourite and I am definitely going to eat a whole tub by myself later. "Sure, honey. Thank you for offering, you are the only one who isn't running around like a headless chicken, well you and your Dad and Uncle but those two are on their Ipads avoiding my daughters so they don't count" she joked, passing me some things to put in one of the many cooler bags. 

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