Chapter Four: Thunderous Magic And Dark Shadows

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Hex had walked for miles through the Whispering Woods. He'd needed time to think and devise a plan. If he was to rescue Rose from The Castle of Jewels, he'd have to outsmart that devious witch, Agnes, and her horrid son, Prince Horace. Which wouldn't be as easy as it sounded.

Behind him, Chester struggled to keep up and puffed breathlessly.

"Err... Hex." Chester gasped, hopping under a branch. "If it isn't too much trouble, could we rest? My skin is chafing, and I'm rather thirsty."

In annoyance, Hex turned to face the toad, only to be greeted by Chester's frighteningly hideous grin.

This irritated Hex even more.

"What are you so happy about?"

"I'm not. Far from it."

"Then why are you grinning like a deranged fool?"

  "Because my mouth is as dry as a desert, and my lips have stuck to my gums."

Hex bent down to inspect closer. "Hmm... You do look a little peaky. I suppose it won't hurt to rest for a while."

"Oh, thank you, thank you. Now all I need is a nice sludgy puddle." Chester carefully peeled his lips from his gums and looked around.

Unfortunately for the parched toad, it hadn't rained for days and there wasn't a puddle in sight.

"Ah... Hex, I hate to bother you, but I don't suppose you could help?" Chester stared up at the sorcerer.

Hex scratched his chin as he considered the toad's request.

"Very well, I'll help you. This time. But only because I need you alive. Not because I like you."

Hex threw back his cloak and rolled up his sleeves. He raised his arms and summoned his magic. 

"I command you!" Hex yelled, pointing to the sky above Chester.

Chester looked up. If he could've gulped, he would've.

Wispy shadows swirled above his head and, with a roll of thunder, a single storm cloud gathered.

Suddenly, raindrops pelted his skin, soaking the ground. A large, muddy puddle swelled beneath him.

Hex stood well clear of the storm cloud and watched the toad dance happily in the rain. Despite himself, he smiled—Until Chester flopped onto his back with his legs sprawled most ungraciously.

  "Must you do that?" Hex said, trying not to look.

"Yes, I must. This is divine." Chester kicked his feet and flicked muddy water everywhere. "Care to join me?"

Hex jumped back. "Absolutely not!"

"Spoilsport." Chester giggled to himself.

"Keep on, and I'll transform you into a slug." Hex turned and stalked into the trees.


Hex sat on a tree stump, staring into the dark.

"I know you're there." He waited.

  A branch cracked, and the leaves rustled.

"Must we always play these games?"

  Another crack, this time much nearer.

"Hello, Hex," said a dark silhouette dressed in a long black coat and black boots. As he stepped closer, he shapeshifted between swirling smoke and a solid figure. There, but not there. Visible, but invisible. The perfect spy.

A Sweet Magic: Part TwoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora