Chapter Six: Annoying Toad

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Once Shadow had left, Hex and Chester continued towards Prince Horace's castle. Ahead of them lay a treacherous journey through the Forest of Foragers, past the Troll Village, and on to the Valley of Plunderers.

Chester wasn't looking forward to any part of it, but he dreaded the Troll Village. He had more than a few enemies amongst the trolls.

Prince Horace had forced him to confess where he'd hidden his stolen wealth. And that had prompted the biggest raid on Troll Village since records began.

Horace had arrested and condemned thirty of the largest, most ruthless trolls to The Maze of Monsters. Even on pain of death, not one revealed where they'd hidden the treasure... but Chester knew. That was why he'd gone to them. A troll's sense of loyalty made them valuable allies. And their greed made them easy to bribe.

"You're quiet," Hex said, glancing at the toad.

"I was thinking."

Hex snorted. "I doubt it."

"Why must you do that?" Chester asked with a sigh.

"What?" Hex allowed his irritation to show.

"Treat me as if I'm a fool. Speak to me as though I have no feelings." Chester stopped hopping and glared at the sorcerer.

"You are a fool. An annoying one." For a moment, Hex considered vaporising Chester and finding his own way into the castle.

"Again... so nasty. When it's much easier to be kind than to be cruel."

The toad's words hit home and Hex found himself lost for words. In his desire to reach the Castle of Jewels and save Rose, he'd forgotten everything Cathy had taught him. She'd be so disappointed. He'd allowed his anger to control him, yet again.

Hex cleared his throat and said, "I'm sorry, Chester if I hurt your feelings. I have a lot on my mind."

The toad stared up at him with wide eyes and said, "I understand Hex. I haven't always been so patient. I forgive you."

Hex flushed with heat.

How dare he forgive me!

Magic tingled from his head to his toes. It took every ounce of his self-control not to zap Chester.

"You should get some sleep," Hex said curtly.

"Good idea," Chester replied. Blissfully unaware of how perilous his situation had become. He hopped towards a pile of mushy leaves and dug in for the night.

Hex glared at the toad and hissed to himself, "Before I murder you."

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