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    "When the young Joffrey was born, King's Landing became a web of whispers. Many courtiers attested that the King was incredibly proud of his daughter and was insistent on the legitimacy of all of Princess Rhaenrya's children when someone dared claim otherwise. However, many documents state that the Queen was growing incredibly suspicious of the dark-haired children who Rhaenyra claimed to be legitimate heirs. The only child who remained unquestionably legitimate was the young Aemma, who many claimed looked unquestionably like a Targaryen Velaryon mixture. A courtier even went so far as to state that, "if one ever had the pleasure of watching the young Aemma during a training session, they would share a similar statement to I, which is that there is no doubt of her heritage. With the tactical mind remarkably similar to that of the sea snake and a fiery determination of traditional Targaryen warriors, there is little doubt of her parentage."

My wooden sword clacked with Jace's and I felt my feet shift in the dirt from the force. The sweat was just forming at my temples and I could feel it running down my forehead from the effort.
Jace gave me an encouraging smile and said, "Come on Byka Mandia. Giving up already?" I gritted my teeth, and pushed my sword forward, throwing my weight into it. Jace shifted back and readied his sword before trying to swing at me widely. I ducked under the blow before swinging upward. The sword was still heavy and awkward in my grip. The weight made my aim poor and it bounced off the metal of his armor.
Jace tried to swing down at me but I jumped away from the wooden sword. Our swords clacked together a few more times before we separated. Jace jumped a few times on his toes before he charged at me. I braced myself on the ground and as his sword collided with mine I held strong. I was an inch taller than Jace, though he didn't like to admit it, that means we were equal in size. So when he ran into me, I wasn't toppled over like when he fought Luke, who despite being older than me, was much smaller.
I felt my forearms straining to keep him back and I shift again in the dirt. I heard gentle critics and suggestions from those watching before I shifted backward just enough for my brother to start falling forward from the sudden weight shift. At his imbalance I slammed my body weight into his armored side, sending my brother backward. Despite trying to stay upright, his sudden change from falling forwards to backward messed him up and his feet slipped out from under him. Jace's armor made him clank loudly as he fell on his back and his oof of surprise was louder than his armor. I took the opportunity to point my sword at his face as he gained his bearings. When he saw the sword at his face his eyes softened in disappointment.
I could hear noise from above and I turned at the clapping from the stone wall. I smiled seeing my grandfather seated at the wall. His smile was pleased as he watched us spar. I gave a low bow and he gave me a nod before a voice behind me stated, "Your confidence is surely something." Sir Harwin was standing behind me with his arms crossed lightly over his chest. I smiled at him and said, "I would say it's more pride in my victory than confidence. Jace could have easily won against me if he trained more than he studied." Sir Harwin nodded and he gave me a warning look saying, "Your brother has an important role to play. He is the next heir after your mother and will one day be King. He must learn how to play the part if he wishes to be a good one."
I nodded and shifted my sword in my hand before saying, "Yes, but he must be able to defend himself. For a defenseless king is easily defeated." Harwin nodded before he knelt at my level. I squared my shoulders, knowing what he was about to say was of great importance for him to kneel to my height. Sir Strong's dark brown eyes met mine and his smile was warm behind his beard as he said, "Your brother knows enough to defend himself and I will continue his training, but the real protectors for him will be you and your brother. You are your family's sword and shield." I nodded and held my sword tighter and before I could respond he continued to say, "With that being said, you need to change your fighting style. You will not be as tall and strong as your opponent forever. You need to be smart and swifter to win, not brawny and arrogant."
I held my sword aloft and said in outrage, "But you fight this way. I learned that move from you." Sir Strong smiled and he chuckled at my anger before saying, "Yes, but I am much bigger than you ever will be. I can fight like that. You however will most likely be your mother's build and will not be able to outsize your opponent." I felt my sword drop in slight defeat. His discouragement was a blow to my confidence and for a moment I wondered if I was better off a lady than a knight. But Sir Harwin sensing my defeat lifted my chin and said, "That does not mean give up. I'm just saying we must adjust our training. We must teach you something different."
I nodded and gave him a slight smile to match his cheery nature before he patted my head and said, "That's the spirit. After today, you will begin training with me and Sir Erryk Carsyll. He has more training in this than me." I felt my head tilt to the side, somewhat in confusion but more out of curiosity. Sir Harwin smiled at that before he said, "Sir Carsyll is significantly smaller than I but just as deadly. He will help you learn the best ways to outmaneuver a larger opponent."
I nodded trusting Sir Strong in his decision. Sir Strong smiled and patted my head before raising it. He pushed me towards my family. Who we here gathered to pick new opponents. I nodded but before I reached him he said, "Think smart, not strong." I didn't respond as I reached the group.
Jace turned to me and poked me with the tip of his sword as Sir Criston was partnering us up. As Sir Criston was discussing something with an annoyed-looking Aegon, I looked him over. Sir Criston could have been a good teacher for me. He was smaller than the other knights and skilled as he somehow rose in the ranks. But as I watched him, I understood why Sir Strong didn't pick him for me. Not only did the two not get along, but as I watched Sir Cole I understood. His arrogance was in every movement and his sneer was like venom as he looked at my brothers from the corner of his eye.
I shifted uneasily at the glance though tried to keep my face blank to hide my fear. Even a dragon must beware the venom of a viper, even one as small and puny as Sir Cole. After a moment Sir Cole turned to me, and for a moment his nose upturned expression turned into a full-blown sneer as he said, "You will be versing Aemond. Do your best to not break yourself." I didn't realize the insult before I had already turned away. Sir Strong and Sir Cole were busy with my older brother and uncle so it was just Aemond and I in the shadows.
He nodded to me and raised his sword. I gave him a polite nod before raising my sword as well. We had done this dance before. Our wordless exchanging of blows. As the younger and more forgotten siblings, we rarely got focused on.
I nodded to start the match and we were moving. I was slightly larger than Aemond but you wouldn't know it by the force of his strikes. The anger behind his eyes made some of his strikes viciously quick and painful when I failed to block. Though I was aware that the particularly hard blows weren't intended for me. Aemond always felt sorry after he inflicted the blows, but his temper and short-sighted nature had him always apologizing for his thoughtless actions instead of thinking through his decisions.
    After we separated and I shifted the sword in my hand, I heard a clearing of a throat. I looked upwards to see my grandfather standing, discussing something with a servant. The servant quickly scurried away before I saw my Grandfather rise. I paused our match with a lowering of my blade before my grandfather called out, "I am excited to announce that Princess Rhaenyra has finished her labors and we are pleased to say her fourth child is a boy." Clapping could be heard throughout the area and Jace ran over to me with Luke hot on his heels.
   I was pleased to have another brother, though I knew Luke wouldn't be. He had hoped for another sister. My grandfather continued to say, "Sir Strong, please accompany the children to the dragon pit. They will need to pick a dragon egg for their brother." My grandfather proceeded to stand and lead the way toward the castle, probably to visit my mother.
I saw Sir Strong approach us and pat my brother Jace on his curly hair before asking, "Are you excited to have another brother?" I nodded and so did Jace but it was Luke that said, "No. I don't want another boy." Sir Strong chuckled before Jace said comfortingly to Luke, "It's ok Luke. I know you wanted a boy, but at least we won't be outnumbered by girls in the apartment this way." Luke saw some sense in this and nodded sullenly before I said, "And since we are old enough now, you and I get to pick out his dragon egg for him."
    Luke perked up at that comment before saying, "Ok! Let's pick the best dragon egg in the clutch." I nodded and Sir Strong who had been waiting patiently for us to start moving gave us a little shove and said, "Well come along then. We should get the egg before the sun sets." Jace laughed before leading us toward the carriages so that we could travel to the dragon pits. I shoved my shoulder into Jace's playfully before making a run for the carriages to escape his rebuttal. I heard Sir Harwin tell us to slow but his warning was too late.
    I skidded to a halt almost running straight over Otto Hightower, the Queen's father. Otto gave me a downcast look before saying, "Do watch where your going young one. We wouldn't want you to run over anyone." Jace appeared at my side comfortingly before saying in greeting, "Ser Hightower." The hand gave a short nod and said, "What has you three running around rampant for?"
   I stood still, not knowing fully what to say before Sir Strong appeared behind me like magic. His large form almost encased Sir Hightower in shadow as he said, "Jace why don't you and Luke ask the footman to rig up some horses for the carriage." Jace nodded quickly before pulling at Luke's sleeve who looked blissfully unaware of the tension.
    As the two scampered off Otto said, "Now I'm curious, of what sort of outing is the princess's children and a knight attending together?" I had never seen Sir Strong quite so stiff. He was imposing but I had never seen him quite so large. Sir Strong's voice was brisk as he said, "I am escorting the children to pick out a dragon egg for their newly born sibling, as is the custom for Targaryens." Otto nodded, well aware of the custom I was sure, before he said, "Yes, that makes more sense. It just seems quite odd for you to step into such a parental responsibility, seeing as you are only a knight. I do think their father should be playing this role."
    I looked up at Sir Strong as I shifted next to him. He barely showed any reaction to Sir Otto's words, but I saw the tight fists that his hands made and the tension along his jaw. His only response was, "I believe Sir Laenor is away at the moment. I was told jousting somewhere north." Otto's head tilted up as he said, "Ah yes. I heard something of that. My son was attending that as well. Though I believe his betrothal attended with him, while the word has it that Sir Laenor only took his squire. How odd." Sir Strong only response was, "The princess's condition and responsibilities here took precedence." Otto nodded and before more words could be said, a carriage approached. Jace and Luke opened the door as it stopped. Their smiles were bright, clearly pleased with themselves for something as they said, "Come on, we're burning daylight."
   Sir Hightower nodded to Sir Strong before he turned. For a second it seemed he would ignore me but as his eyes focused on the path in his way, he finally noticed me. He almost looked confused for a moment before he gave me a short nod and brushed past me for the castle. I looked up at Sir Strong who gave me a comforting smile before he said, "Don't mind Sir Hightower, sometimes he says things only to be mean even if they are false." I nodded but as I thought over the man's words, I couldn't help but see the truth in them, even if they are supposedly arbitrary.

When the four of us reached the dragon pits, I smiled as the smell of dragon-filled my nose. It was a metallic smell, somehow a mixture of blood and ash. Though I enjoyed the smell, Luke's nose crinkled at the scent. Jace however was wholly distracted by our surroundings. He watched the sky for dragons as we traveled down the dirt path to the pits.
When the carriage stopped, Sir Harwin stepped out first. Jace led the way followed by Luke and then myself. I reminded myself to take Sir Harwin's hand and give him a thankful smile as I descended the carriage. He seemed pleased at me listening to my mother's command.
After Sir Harwin gathered us like ducklings around him, he marched to meet the dragonkeepers. The keepers of the dragons were formidable and scarred individuals who spoke mostly high valerian when they rarely uttered a word. Their yellow robes were easy to spot as they strode to meet us. Jace despite his rather poor high valerian strode to meet them first. He greeted them and started we have come for a dragon egg, but he was lost besides that. Sir Harwin would be of no help with his little to no High Valerian knowledge, so I stepped in to instruct them to lead us to the latest clutch of eggs.
The murmuring from the dragonkeepers made me think I had said something incorrectly, but if I did they did not comment. Instead, they nodded and led the way. The elder dragonkeeper asked Jace what we wanted an egg for which I replied to which Jace turned to me. I nodded and he gave a broken response but an understandable one. The dragonkeeper nodded and looked at me before explaining that the most recent dragon clutch was born of Dreamfire not long ago. They placed them over the flames but they were not found for some time.
I have a shrug and said in response, "A dragon egg will hatch for a Targaryen if it so desires. No amount of care will change that. Only fire and blood decide." The dragonkeeper nodded before continuing our journey. Soon we reached a room just under the ground of the dragon pits. The room was full of flames and cauldrons. However, only a few seemed to be labeled. I assumed these were the eggs most recently found.
The keeper waved his hand and the three of us nodded before Sir Harwin asked, "Does he mean for you to pick one?" We nodded before I said to Luke, "Let's decide together." Luke nodded and we approached the cauldrons. Some apprentices opened the lids as we approached, releasing steam. Revealed to us in gleaming black metal were large oval-shaped eggs. Each was of a unique color and covered in scales as tough as stone.
As I looked over each egg, I wondered what dragon would emerge from each. Would the dragon appear snakelike in appearances such as Ebrior or normal like Meleyes? Were they going to be as fierce as caraxes or gently like dreamfire? Would the egg we chose even hatch, or will it just be solid stone? Unfortunately, I didn't know, and neither did Luke who looked as uncertain as I felt.
I nodded to the middle cauldron and said, "How about we pick the dark egg." Luke looked at me uncertainly before I reached out to stroke the egg. The heat didn't affect me, it was barely a sensation as I stroked the stone-like exterior. The ridged egg felt like the right decision. Luke put his hand next to mine and nodded as he said, "This one will work." I looked towards the dragonkeeper who said something to the apprentice.
The men bowed respectfully before picking up the cauldron and walking towards the door. I looked to Sir Strong slightly panicked before he whispered to the both of us, "Either way, you two made a good decision. Remember that." I nodded and Luke nodded, his top lip quivering as he tried to seem optimistic. Sir Strong patted his shoulder before having Jace lead us out. Jace was trying his best to converse with the keeper, but his lack of knowledge of the language and the keeper's unwillingness to converse left them at an impasse. But despite the barrier, Jace tried to talk with them as we traveled out of the pits.
Eventually, the keepers helped place the cauldron containing the egg into the carriage. They bid us safe travels before a screech was heard from above. Everyone looked skyward to see Ebrior soaring above. The keepers seemed annoyed at my dragon, mumbling something about being wild and uncontrolled. There were instructions sent to find her a lamb to lure her back into the pits but that was all I heard before they turned away from us. Sir Harwin helped me into the carriage before closing the door behind him. After that, we began our trip back to the Red Keep to present the egg to our mother.

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