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120 AC:

"In the years before the death of King Viserys, many accounts were written of his heir Rhaenyra and granddaughter Aemma, but very few of his daughter Helaena. While the accounts were short, an interesting account comes from a lord during a routine meeting with the Small Council. Between issues, the men had chosen to discuss Princess Helaena, who had just been married to her brother, Aegon, and was already expecting a child. But unlike many wondering about the future royal baby, the men criticized the young princess instead. Though they were careful to craft their words in a manner in which it seemed that they were pitying her husband. The men called it a shame for the second in line to be married to someone so stout and dim. And while their words were only slander, it was quickly apparent that the visiting Princess Aemma heard them. The fiery temper was quick to emerge in protection of her family. Words of warning cut deeper than any blade, but what was curious was Aemma's description. Aemma said not to underestimate dreamers, but if that was meant to imply Helaena was one of the Targaryens with dragon dreams or simply a daydreamer, the account doesn't say."

I awoke for the funeral to be greeted with the sun barely rising and the day as overcast as the mood. It seemed even the gods were mourning as they cloaked the sky in shades of grey. While I didn't intend to wake early, it allowed me to check on my brothers, who were still in bed. And with no servants awake, I wandered through the halls to find the kitchens for breakfast.

The kitchen staff at high tide had become used to me sneaking in for a snack between my sparing sessions. I had no doubt they would mind me sneaking something for breakfast. I was wandering the hall in a loose sleeping dress when I heard metal armor clanking. It drew my attention, mainly because very few people would be wearing that sort of attire at this time.

It was easy for me to follow the sound. Moving in armor wasn't exactly a quiet noise, especially in a silent castle. And while I could creep along the ground with my feet bare, it still proved a challenge sneaking up on the sound. The individual in armor was inside one of the many libraries of High Tide, and while I could slip inside the door, I would have to find a bookshelf to hide behind or risk being caught. But the door was ajar, allowing me to hear who was speaking.

The voice in armor was easily recognizable as I had heard it in the training ring every day when I lived in King's Landing. Sir Criston Cole was chatting with a brisk voice about something, but his voice was loud and agitated when he said, "Her disgrace really knows no bounds." I paused at the door, wondering who he was speaking about, but it was the Queen who responded to say, "The princess is doing what we all must in this situation. Attending a funeral." I paused. They were speaking about my mother. She was the only princess I could assume they spoke in such low regard. But why? I was also curious why the Queen and Sir Cole met so early in the morning before Sir Cole said, "Or going after the man she always wanted."

I heard a new voice, one I didn't know but was almost amused as he said, "The princess has much on her plate to worry about, including the Sea Snake's brother who, if I recall, arrived a few days ago. If she's rational in any way, she's focusing on dispelling his rage, not on a childhood lover." I lowered to the ground, trying to shuffle towards the door to see in. The room was well-lit with candles, and while I couldn't see Sir Cole, I could see two figures lounging on a couch. One was the Queen, who I heard, and the other was a skinny man who looked rather unkempt, which contrasted with his highly decorated cane.

I couldn't see any house crest on his personal, but I was quickly distracted when the Queen waved her hand dismissively and said, "Rhaenyra has never been rational. It's all about impulse and desires with her." I heard Sir Cole's fury as he said, "She's a cunt." I felt the shiver hit my spine at the words, and I couldn't help but wonder why they harbored such ill will against my mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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