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      "It is commonly stated in the texts that the young Aemma was once an ally to Aemond Targaryen. Many recounted them being frequent sparing partners in their youth. There was even a story from a dragon pit guard about Aemma letting Aemond join her on the back of her own dragon, Ebrior. Though those reports have never been confirmed. Other texts state that in an attempt to tighten the bonds between House Targaryen, Princess Rhaenyra proposed a marriage between her son Jacaerys Velaryon to Princess Helaena. Other reports state that the princess proposed the possibility of a match with Aemma and Aemond. Both texts later remark that the Queen eventually denied both suggestions. One can only wonder how the war would have ended if those marriages had occurred."

   My brothers and I were waiting for our mother to return to the dining room. Sir Strong had set the cauldron on the table, hoping the heat wouldn't catch anything aflame. Luke tried to touch the lid to get a sneak peek of the egg in the sunlight, but Jace pulled his hand away. Luke winced at Jace's grip and at the heat of the cauldron. Jace gave me a look as he whispered to Luke not to touch the kettle because it would burn him.Luke had it stuck in his head that if he burned himself enough, he wouldn't be affected by fire like Jace and me.
    Sir Strong shook his head at us before I whispered to Jace, "Should we get mother something for when she arrives?" Jace thought for a second before shrugging and said, "I wouldn't know what to get her." I didn't know either, but I was confident we should get her something. I looked to Jace before questioning, "How about some ice water? I'm sure the ice box can spare some ice for mother."
     Jace seemed to like this idea and asked a servant to bring up a cup of ice.  I, however, grabbed his sleeve before saying, "I'll go get it. Don't bother them." Jace seemed hesitant and looked to Sir Strong, but he seemed preoccupied. So Jace nodded before saying, "Hurry back. Mother could arrive with our brother at any time."
    I nodded and hurried out the servant's door.  As I quickened my footsteps, I nearly slipped down the stone stairs. I just managed to catch myself on the stone divot in front of a window. However, a voice caught my attention. Below I could just make out two figures strolling next to each other. 
     I climbed onto the alcove to get a better view as I listened to the conversation. As the two figures rounded the corner, I could just make out the image of Sir Criston and Queen Alicent. I shifted uneasily at the sneering face of the Queen, who seemed a little pleased with something. I could just hear her conversation playing out with the knight.
    I shifted closer to the open window before hearing the words both Sir Criston and the Queen referred to my mother as. I wasn't so innocent that I hadn't heard those words before, but I was startled. Yes, I had heard sear words come from adults' mouths. I had snuck around the castle enough time to listen to adults' conversations. But Sir Criston calling my mother, the heir to the iron throne, a spoiled cunt was downright treason. 
    But I stayed quiet, for who would believe me compared to the voice of a knight and a queen? I was going to move closer to see them better, but when Sir Criston stopped moving and angled his body toward the tower, I pushed away from the window.
    I fell backward off the alcove. I gasped at the brief free fall before my back smacked into the stone stairs. I groaned, but luckily I didn't slide any further down the stairs as I struggled to catch my breath.
     I took a deep breath, trying to figure out if I had broken anything. I didn't think I did, but my back felt like it had been clobbered by a wooden sword. I say there, watching the sunlight stream through the open window and the only thought that goes through my head is, 'At least they didn't see me.' 
     Only a few moments later, when I heard their voices fade, I deemed it safe to stand. My back groaned in protest, and I winced at the heat I could feel in my spine. I stood first before pushing to my feet and continuing down the stairs. I wiped the tears from my eyes as the pain radiated up my back. Eventually, I reached the kitchen and pushed open the wooden door to enter.
     While I had snuck into the kitchen several times, my back hurt too much to try sneaking around. When the head cook saw me, she put her hands on her hips. The woman was a stout creature with dishwater-colored hair thrown up out of her face and gleaming black eyes. She was known to smack the hands of my uncles and brothers when they snuck into the kitchen to steal treats. However, she always favored Helana and me.
     I gave her my best smile possible, which made the Cook raise her eyebrow in suspicion. The Cook dusted her flour-covered hands on her apron before she gave a little curtsy and asked, "your royal highness,  what do I owe the honor?" I walked forward and said, "My mother just went through labor. I had thought I could come and get some ice for her. For her drink or to chew."
     The Cook seemed to find much humor in this before she said, "Yes, I heard the young princess had started her labors. The King asked us to prepare a feast of celebration after a few days." I nodded before the Cook said, "Well, come in then. I'll get you that ice." I smiled and walked over, trying to keep my back straight, but when I winced, the Cook noticed. She looked me up and down, demanding, "What's wrong with ya?" I didn't comment and was gonna say nothing, but the Cook said quickly, "You better give me the truth, little miss. I take away treatment privileges for those who lie to me.
     I felt my lower lip push out into a pout as I knew she gave the best treats. Sometimes she made me lemon cakes with candied lemon peels on top. It was my favorite. So I relented and said, "I slipped on the steps. Hit my back." The Cook looked me over, at least a bit concerned. Cook, was convinced that I seemed alright, and she responded by saying, "Well, it's good that you aren't bleeding. You must be careful with those steps. You could have cracked your head, and no one would have found you till your mother rang."
     I nodded at her warning before she said, "Wait here. I'll go get you some ice." The Cook swished off in her ruby red dress and entered another small room. I tried to peer at the counters to see if she had any snacks left, but she returned quicker than I expected. I quickly shuffled back from the counters. Cook gave me a warning look before saying, "Now, you young lady didn't swipe anything from my counters, did you?" I shook my head quickly, and she raised an eyebrow before she said, "That's a good girl."
    She pulled out a cloth and a large bucket before saying, "The bucket of ice is for your dear mother, but the cloth is for you." I nodded, and Cook crouched to my height before saying, "Now, this cloth was in the freezer box with all the ice for a bit, so it's nice and cold. We are gonna tie this around your waist under your shirt to cool your skin. Hopefully, it will help it not bruise." She helped me tie it under my waist before saying, "Plus, if we pull your shirt down, the nasty teasing boys can't see." I giggled before she said, "There, all better. Should feel better too." I nodded as it was cold, but I could feel it helping my back.
     She gave me a rare smile before she said, "Alright, I got work to do. Take that bucket up the stairs to your poor mom before it all melts." I nodded and grabbed the bucked. It was heavy, but I could carry it. I waved goodbye before I walked up the stairs. I couldn't run as I usually would because of the weight. There were many stairs up into the castle and into our apartment, but when I pushed open the door, I smiled. My mother was just sitting in the chair.
    I rushed over, and she turned, probably hearing my footsteps. She was sweating a lot, and her face looked tired, but she cheered slightly upon seeing me. I set the bucket down next to her before she gave me a soft hug. She gave a quiet murmur of, "My precious girl." I smiled when she pulled away. Mother did, however, look down at the bucket and ask, "now, what is all this?" I smiled brightly and nudged the bucket forward with my boot before saying, "I wanted to get you some ice. For a drink or something. I thought it would help after your excursion."
    My mother smiled weakly and put a hand on my cheek before saying, "That is very thoughtful. Did you go all the way through the castle for this?" I nodded, and her smile grew despite the pain she seemed to be in. She petted my snow-blonde hair and said, "I appreciate it." She looked behind me and beckoned her handmaiden before my brother interrupted and said, "Mother, look." My mother turned her head towards Jace and Luke, who were at the cauldron. Jace removed the metal top so Luke wouldn't burn himself. Luke smiled at their mother proudly, with his curly hair falling in his eyes as he said, "We chose an egg for the baby."
     Mother smiled brightly at her sons and patted my hand, letting me know I helped as she said, "That looks like the perfect one." Luke and Joffery beamed at my mother before Jace said, "I let Luke and Aemma choose." Luke smiled brightly, moving to mother's other side. She patted his head softly before she said, "That was very fair and kind of you, Jace." She looked between us before whispering, "Why don't you go see your brother." I turned to see father enter the room again with a sleeping baby. Jace set the lid back on the cauldron before moving to father, immediately trying to see the baby, which enticed me to walk over eagerly.
    Father guided us to one of the couches before he said, "Now, gentle, you little terrors. He's sleeping. Try to let him sleep so your mother may rest." I nodded stoically before father had us sit on the couch. Jace was in the middle while Luke and I flanked him. Jace gently cradled his arms, and father set our newest brother in his arms. Luke and I looked over Jace's shoulders to see our newest brother.
     My new brother had Luke's upturned and slightly wider nose but chubby cheeks, unlike any of us. Father crouched down with us before he said, "His name is Joffery." I gave father a look before saying, "But that's too long." My father gave me a look before I huffed and said, "Well, I'm Aemma, that's short. And we called Jacaerys Jace and Lucerys Luke. Joffery needs a short name."
       My father gave me a surprised look before he said, "Well, how about you three come up with one. I'm sure you can be creative." I saw Luke nod before I turned my attention back to mother. She was sitting with Sir Strong at her side. The nursemaid was attending to her, and she smiled thankfully. My father turned to look at my mother before saying, "alright, come children. To the dragon pits we go. Before they send out a search party."
     He took Joffery from Jace before pushing his head gently. Jace scoffed before leading the way toward the door. When he passed mother, he gave her a beaming grin. I saw father give Joffery to Sir Strong, who smiled down at the little bundle. Luke, unbothered by an either adult, skirted around them and hugged mother. She grasped him tightly before shooing him towards the door.
     I followed my brothers and father out, pleased with my new brothers before I turned to close the door. Sir Strong was smiling at the baby oddly, and mother was giving him the oddest of glances. I closed the door quickly, not wanting to be seen, and followed my brothers rapidly.

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