Why are YOU here? || Ch. 2 ||

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Jays POV

It's been about an hour since I had the call with Tim. The pain in my side either went away, or I got used to it quickly. I also changed my outfit since I felt... uncomfortable in my other one. I have on a black t-shirt with a greenish baggy hoodie, and some baggy jeans. "Might as well go somewhere..." I thought, as I put on my cap and grabbed my camera. I figured I'd go to the diner thats pretty close to this hotel. I grabbed my keys and stuffed them in my pocket.

At the diner ( still Jays POV)

No one is really here. Two teens are sitting at one table, while a family is sitting at another. It's nice and quiet in here though. For once I kinda feel... Safe. I see an empty table near the back with no one near it and decide to go there. As I'm walking I remember that I forgot my computer. I could've seen if the video of me getting shot was there, If I had my camera I had to of posted it right? This is all so confusing. I sigh as I sit down at the table. I cross my arms and stuff my head into them, still being able to breath. "Hey, sir?" I looked up and saw a beautiful lady looking down at me. "Yes?" "Are you going to order something?" Her voice was soft and caring. "Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. I'll just have one piece of french toast and.... Apple juice." "It's fine. And your food will be with you soon." She said while smiling at me. She then walked away, back to where I assume she came from. I close my eyes, trying to think about the last thing I remember before I got "shot." That's what Tim was saying. Bring Ning that was the sound of the door opening. I looked up with one eye still closed and saw a tall figure that looks like a male. I blink a couple of times, to help my vision not be blurry. I also rubbed my eyes a bit, then they finally weren't blurry anymore. I looked back to the figure that was gone... "Did they maybe go to the bathroom?" I thought. "Eh, whatever. It's just a random person." I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. I look up and see...


Alexander Kralie....

My body froze. He out of all people had to be here right now, and he's cleary wanting to talk... But he can just kill me right here, right now if he wanted to. He could do anything to me right now... "Hello Jay..."  His hood was on, but his eyes still softly shined from the light. I just stared wide eyed, probably looking like an idiot. A killer. He almost killed me, and now he's wanting to talk like nothing happened?! AFTER EVERYTHING ELSE TOO?! I felt a bad feeling building up inside my stomach, feeling like a knot. I wish he would just go away!

His eyes softened a bit, clearly noticing how terrified I am of him. He walked to the other side of the table and sat down. Suddenly, the lady from before came to my table with the French Toast and Apple Juice I ordered not too long ago. "Here's your food sir. Oh, and I see there's another. Would you like anything sir?" She asked, looking at Alex. "Oh, no. I'm good thank you." Alex replied. She nodded, smiled at him and clearly blushed. She then walked away, turning around before she went through the door and looked at Alex. The blush on her face grew as she turned around and quickly walked in. My eyes instantly darted back to the taller man, and his were right on mine. "Look, Jay. I know you're scared but I promise I won't hurt you." Alex said, smiling a bit. "I-I...." I couldn't talk. No words were able to come out of my mouth. I couldn't stop thinking about how he can hurt me, and just kept staring at him. He sighed, "You should eat before your food gets cold." I slowly grabbed the toast and started eating. There was a awkward silence between the two of us, that I was oddly thankful for. I don't want to talk to this man right now. I feel like I'm about to cry if I say another word. But once I finished the toast, I grabbed a napkin and wiped my face. My face went and rested in my hand while my arm supported the weight.

Alex's POV

Jay clearly doesn't want me here right now, but I... I just need to talk him. I need to let him know that I never ment to hurt him yesterday. I need to let him know that I'm sorry. I don't notice that I'm staring, when he moves his arm and rests his face on his hand. "So cute." I thought. Wait, what? No! He doesn't like you that way and he never will! So stop thinking about weird stuff like that you fucking idiot! Sniff... Is he?
My head jerks up. The thing I see infront of me, is surprising... Jays crying. His hand moves to cover his face as he continues softly. He covers his entire face with his other hand shortly after and puts his head in the table. "J-Jay...?" I ask. Why is he just randomly crying? Am I... Am I scaring him that much? Does he want me to leave that much? But I'm barely doing anything. I-... I... Fuck. I really am an asshole aren't I? He clearly wants me gone but I still stay, sitting at this table. I didn't wanna do this but . . . "I'll just go if you want me gone that bad..." "N-no... Don't l-leave!" He whimpered out.

No one's POV (3rd person POV)

The taller man looked at the other, clearly caught off guard from what he said. "W-wha?" He questioned out loud. "Don't go..." The other repeated. The camera man wiped his eyes, and began having a "normal" conversation with the other male. After about an hour, Jay felt a little more comfortable around Alex, seeing as he hasn't done anything really threatening yet. "I'm gonna go now." Jay said while standing up. "Wait! I know this is really sudden, but can I stay with you tonight? I don't really have anywhere to go..." Jay thought for a minute, and looked around the store. Basically everyone has left now. Except those teens, but they weren't close to them. Jay turned back to Alex. "Take off your hoodie." "What?" "You heard me take it off. Take off your belt aswell." "Why my bel-" "Just do it." He did as he was told. The tall man took his hood and hoodie off, along with his belt. Jay then searched his hoodie and quickly searched his belt. "Can I pat you down?" Jay asked, while looking Alex in the eyes. "Uhh.... Sure?"

Jay sighed and began searching Alex for any weapons. He started at his chest, then got lower. He crouched down and his face was infront of a "unfriendly" place. Jay blushed a tiny bit, but kept going. In the end, he found nothing. "Okay... I guess you can come with me. Just don't do anything bad. Got it?" "Okay..." The two walked to Jays car, since Alex didn't say anything about his own. Wherever it was... Jay got in the drivers seat, while Alex sat in the passengers. For a minute or two, Jay was questioning if this was the right choice.

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