Morning || Ch. 6 ||

145 8 14

Jay's POV

I woke to the sound and feeling of something moving away. I sighed and cuddled into a pillow.

Time skip for an hour and 30

I woke again, except more this time. I was more in control of my body, that was oddly kinda weak. I yawn and sit up more, the blanket hanging off my shoulder. "Alex?" My eyes scanned the room. I found no sign of him. Groaning in annoyance, I grab my phone and dial his number. It took a couple seconds, but after what felt like a million years he miraculously picked up.

"Alex! Where did you go?!"

*Sigh* "I didn't want to overstay my visit..." I hear him mutter. "So I left"

It was my turn to sigh, "Alex, seriously. If I wanted you to leave I would've told you to"

It went silent.

"I'm sorry for shooting you."

He hung up.

I dialed again and he didn't pick up. I left a voice message instead.

"Alex, seriously. Come back. We're not done talking yet. Just leaving was irresponsible, especially since you know we still need to talk. Come back. Please."

I hung up. Honestly, I felt a little pathetic while asking for him to 'please come back.' I hear the sound of something sliding under the door which snaps me out of my wave of thoughts, I got fully up and walked to the door. My eyes stared at the strange envelope on the ground. I waited, waited for something to happen. For someone to bust down my door. But nothing happened. So I just grabbed it. GONE was written on the front with black bold ink. Obviously a marker, the O had an X in it, reminding me of the symbol I've seen so many times. I reached down and was greeted with it actually having some weight. Still, I keep quiet and listen for any movement on the other side of the door. Nothing happened. I open the envelope and see another paper and a tape, the paper having the bolded word LEAVING on it. Curiosity getting the better of me, I put it into my camera (or computer... Idk-) and pressed play.

The tape. No one's point of view.

Some of Alex's body was in view. The camera was taken off the night stand from last night. It faced the floor, showing Alex's feet for a second before flipping to Jay. He cuddled into the pillow and yawned. Alex searched the nightstand's drawers. A slight bang was heard from behind him. The current camera man turned around quickly, showing the window. That ... Thing. Was there. Watching. Listening. Observing. The camera glitched like crazy as Alexander got closer to the window. Aiming the camera straight at the blank face shape. He closed the curtains, hiding the monster behind. The camera switched to Jay again. Alex sighed. Alex hesitated. Alex left.

It switched to the male walking down the hotel's hallway. His black and white shoes making a sound each step he took. The normal jeans that probably have been worn atleast a million times, were on.

He walked and walked, then eventually reached the front exit. Alex turned back, as if thinking about the other person he used to call "Jaybird." Then turned back toward the darkness of the night.

Crickets chirped. Wind blew. Tree's swayed. Nature was heard.

The snow under Alex's shoes crunched as he walked through he forest. His only light source the camera. Another pair of footsteps were heard before the camera flipped around then fell onto the ground. The hooded male tackled Alex and was currently punching the crap out of him. 'Hoodie' put his hands around Alex's neck as Alex's legs moved around. He coughed and gasped for air for a few seconds, before his body went limp. (If you get the reference congratulations) A huff was heard from the frowning mask and his hands were removed. He still sat there, straddling Alex as if thinking what to do. He stood up and glanced at the camera, picking it up.

And then it ended.

Jay just stared at the screen infront of him, questioning if what he just watched was true and will somehow be useful in the future.


Jay's POV

I wince slightly at the loud banging on my front door as I put the tape back into the envelope and hiding it in one of the drawers. BANG. BANG. BANG. "I'm coming! Chill out!" Whoever is banging on the door needs to calm down, unless they're gonna break the door. My hand hovers over the door knob. What if it's that hooded guy again? Was he the one who gave me this tape? Obviously... What if it's Alex coming to hurt me? . . . I open the door, forgetting about the little hole that I could've looked through. "Jeez I thought you'd never answer..." It was... Tim. I forgot he was going to come over. He didn't look so well... He had bags under his eyes and his hair was kinds greasy. Did he lose sleep because of me? "Yeah, sorry. Just was... In the bathroom." Tim lets out a soft huff, "It's fine. May I come in so we can properly talk?" I nod and open the door more. He takes off his jacket and shoes, then sits onto the provided bed. I close the door and lock it, before sitting beside him.

"I was really fucking worried about you..." He mumbled, rubbing his forehead. "I seriously thought you were dead... How are you even alive? I saw it myself, you were definitely shot." A shiver runs through my body as I remember the dreadful pain of being shot. It hurt so bad... "I don't know. I kinda just woke up here." An odd silence started up as me and Tim sat beside eachother. Both tired and exhausted from everything that has happened over the last couple of years. Another set of knocks were heard from the door, more gentle then Tim's was. Who is it now? "Who's the other visitor?" He asks. "I don't know... One sec..." I stand up and walk to the door, looking through the peep hole that I actually remembered was there this time. I'm glad I did, because I thought it might've been one of the hotel workers, but I was wrong.

It was Alex.

A pit grows in my stomach. I can't tell if it's anxiety or butterflies, but it's something. "H-Hey Uhm, Tim?" He glances up, his eyes narrow and kinda closed. "Give me a second. I'll be right back..." One of his eyebrows raise, "Who is it?" Words get stuck in my throat and I feel my face heat up due to the fact I don't know what to say when I need to. "O-Oh!" Anxiously stuttering, I finally managed to let a lie escape my lips, "it's just a hotel worker, they want to clean the place up since this is when they usually do it." I'm about to walk out when he stops me, "just a quick question, how come you decided to come into here, a hotel, when you usually go into motels?" My eyes glance back at him. "Randomly woke up here, remember?" I hear him mumble "right", before I walk out, closing the door behind me.

Alex had on kind of a tight shirt and those jeans. His hair was a little messy and his slight faded beard looked more taken care of, oddly enough. "You can't be here right now..." Mumbling, I manage to take my eyes off of him. "You literally asked me to come back and I'm back. What do you expect." Salty, as usual. "Yeah, I did want you back but I entirely forgot Tim was coming (🤨) over! So that's my fault, I get it. No need to rub it in." He lets out a low grumble and his eyes narrow a little. "What do you want me to do then, hm?" The grumpy man infront me crosses his arms. "I don't know..." I say, "Wait somewhere until I say you can come back..." Alex sighed, running a hand through his messy hair. I debated on asking him about he tape, but decided not to. After a long awkward silence, he decided to break it.

"I guess that's the plan, dumbass."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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