Let's talk about "it..." || Ch. 3 ||

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Thank you to Field_rabbit for helping me with an idea for this next chapter! And sorry for not updating frequently.

No one's POV

The ride back was long. Very long, awkward, and quiet. Jay sat in the drivers seat while Alex sat in the passengers. Since it was winter, the roads were icy and it was much colder. Resulting in more traffic also resulting to taking longer to get "home."

A couple of minutes later . . .

Alex was looking out the window, admiring the snow fall. Jay noticed. "Why do you like to watch the snow so much?" He asked, knowing he most likely made it more awkward then it had to sound. "It's just relaxing for some reason. It gives me a sense of reassurance I guess?" It went silent before Jay spoke, asking another question. "How did you know I was at that place?" He sounded a little annoyed. "I didn't. I just kinda guessed. Well, not technically I guess?" He started fiddling with his hands a bit. "I remembered you always liked going to that diner, before everything 'went down.' So I thought "Oh, well maybe Jay decided to go in the-" "Why did you even want to talk to me?" Alex just went silent for a few seconds, surprised Jay interrupted him. "I mean- he made a sarcastic laugh sound after what you did? Don't you think that I wouldn't be happy to see you?" Jay blurted out as his hands tightened around the wheel. Alex just stayed silent, no longer feeling comfortable. (He wasn't that comfortable in the first place, but the littttle bit of comfort he felt entirely disappeared) Jay paid no attention to it, looked up and saw that they were close to the hotel. "I'm sorry okay?" Alex mumbled. "We'll talk about this more later. For now just... Shut up" "Why are so annoyed all of a sudden?" "Shut. Up." Jay sighed out of annoyance while Alex just started feeling bad.

Jays POV

Listen, I know I sounded like a total ass back there, but I couldn't help it. Honestly, how could HE expect me to be fine with him being in my car? Especially after what he did. I mean, I technically let him in but that's not the point. He's just so confusing. First, he shoots me, now he's acting all... "Comforting Boyfriend" type? It's not like he's my boyfriend or anything it's just the first thing that came to mind... Anyway, It's too late to turn back now. He's already in my car, and we're already at the hotel. Might as well start digging my grave.

Alex's POV

I've never seen Jay like this before. Is it me? Who am I kidding, of course it's me! He's right. How am I supposed to expect him to trust me after what I did just out of the blue? But... Maybe if I explain it to him he'll understand and trust me again! It's worth a shot... I just... I just can't lose him again...

No one's POV/Third person POV

Jay and Alex walked in the hotel. (they walked into Jays room thingy. The place he's staying in y'know?) Jay did the usual. Took his hat, shoes, and jacket off. But he turned his camera off. Alex made a strange look on his face when he noticed this, knowing that Jay would never do that. He tried his best to ignore it while taking his shoes off, adjusting the hood on his head to feel more comfortable. Jay sat on the bed and sighed while Alex just stood by the door. "Are you coming?" "I'm aloud to...?" "Yeahhhh????" Alex slowly walked to the bed and sat by him. He purposely didn't sit close since he knew Jay wouldn't like that. They both sat in silence for about a minute. Jay, not knowing what to talk about and Alex getting the confidence to start up what he wanted to talk about. "Hey Jay... Can we talk about... It?" Jay looked at Alex. "You shooting me?" "Uhm... Yeah. About that-" "I don't want to hear your excuse. I know you ment it and I know your just trying to manipulate me into trusting you again. It won't. Work." Alex tried to process what Jay was thinking. "What? I-Its not an excuse, I swear!" Jay sighed again. "Fine. Go ahead. At this point I'd rather be making out with you rather then talking about this..." He mumbled the last part, making sure Alex didn't hear. "Jay, I promise this isn't an excuse . . . The whole reason why I even pulled a gun on you was to scare you, and make you run out. I didn't want you or Tim to be there. But... Something just came over me... My mind went blank and it felt like I was a puppet being controlled. I just pulled the trigger. And when I was banging on the door and yelling at you to open it I gained back my conscience. I needed to make sure you were okay but when I finally got in you were just... Gone..." Alex looked down the entire time. Not knowing how Jay was going to act, and honestly was too nervous to see. "Really...? Is that- is that really what happened?" Alex nodded. "I forgive you." Alex's head jerked up as he stared at Jay, wide eyed. "Really? Just like that?" "Well if what you said was really true then, yeah. Sorry about being salty earlier. I just really wanted to say that." Alex smiled and hugged Jay, entirely forgetting if he's aloud to do it. Jay blushed and hugged back when he heard Alex whisper something. "What? What did you say?" Jay asked. "Nothing you need to know..."

An hour later (around 9:00 p.m.)

Alex was sitting on the right side of the bed, while Jay was on the left, reading a book. "Jay, should we get to bed now?" Alex asked as he opened an eye. "Yeah. Probably but where are you gonna sleep?" "What do you mean?" "Well" Jay started, "There's only one bed but there's two of us..." Jay looked away to hide his faint blush. Annoyed he had it but also didn't want Alex to see it. "Oh... Right... I mean, if you allow me to and your fine with it, can't I just y'know... Sleep with you?"

Sorry again for not updating too frequently, and sorry for leaving it on a cliff hanger-
But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and is excited for the next one ;]

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