glitch (marichat)

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" we were supposed to be just friends "


I always noticed Cat Noir jumping from building to building in the middle of the night. I had my balcony to go to when I couldn't sleep, but maybe Cat didn't have a balcony like mine to get away from his thoughts. I never thought he noticed me standing here, but tonight he did. He perched on my balcony fence and just smiled at me, not saying a word.

"Hey, uh Cat Noir, anything I can do for you?" I asked nervously. Why was I nervous around him at all? I had seen him just a few hours ago.

"You can't sleep either huh?" he smirked, shortening his staff so he could stand next to me, "I guess it's just one of those nights."

"Yeah," I sighed, "I've just had a lot to think about lately."

Our eyes met. I never noticed that his eyes were an almost perfect shade of green and that his smile always matched his eyes. I didn't realize how his muscles had developed until I shifted my attention to his arms. His biceps had grown so much since when we had first met. Maybe being Ladybug had blocked out my attention to details regarding Cat, but looking at him now, I was starting to understand how so many girls were in love with him. Not that I was one of those girls, it was just, understandable for once. Since when did I care about arms?

"I know I have nice arms, you don't need to touch them for proof, Princess." Cat winked. I snapped out of my thoughts and realized I was totally caressing his arms. I jumped back in embarrassment and blushed profusely.

"I'm so sorry," I said, my cheeks heating up. What was happening to me? Cat was just a friend, a partner. I had never seen him like this before. "I don't know what's gotten into me."

"It's late," he chuckled, checking his cat phone, "almost 3 am, you should be getting to bed soon."

"Yeah I feel like I'm becoming delirious," I laughed. Yeah, it was probably just that. Not sleeping makes you feel crazy, "I'm just not ready to shut my eyes for the night." I sighed.

Cat pondered for a second, he checked his cat phone again.

"I can stick around for a bit if you'd like," he looked at me, "To sing you a lullaby or read you a bedtime story."

I glanced at him, blushing a little bit. I knew he was flirting, but he did that with everyone. It wasn't significant to just me. I'm not sure why I was even blushing it was just an automatic response. I never blushed when he said things like this when I was Ladybug, but seeing him as Cat when I wasn't a superhero made me feel, different in a way I couldn't explain. I wasn't sure if I was actually becoming infatuated by his attempts at flirting or if I was beyond exhausted or if the moonlight was perfectly cascaded against his face...

We ended up going into my room, I closed the balcony as Cat looked around. It didn't seem like he was at all in a rush to go, but I was okay with that. I'd rather have Cat's company rather than my own. I think in a way, he knew that too. Nobody enjoyed being alone.

"You're a fan of Adrien Agreste huh?" he smirked, looking at the posters I had hung up around my room.

"I'm a fan of fashion," I countered confidently, "Adrien is a friend of mine, but fashion is my true calling," I glanced at where the miracle box was near my drawers and sighed, "but lately, I'm not really sure if that's the case." I couldn't even remember the last time I created a piece of my own. Shadow Moth was not at all letting me rest and being the guardian meant I had no personal time either. I really do miss it, but I knew putting it off was the best way to ensure Paris's safety.

I could tell Cat could sense my tension. I wasn't sure if it was just him, or if he could actually sense a shift in stress with his powers, but he took my hand to divert my attention. He somehow always knew when I needed a push or a distraction. Real cats did that too, but maybe this power was unique to the boy behind the mask.

"There's a blood moon tonight," Cat said, "A lot of people say it's a bad omen, but I disagree. I think it's beautiful."

I knew he was trying his best to distract me, and it wasn't working until I actually looked at the moon. It really was a beautiful moon tonight. I had never taken the time out of my day to sit back and enjoy what was right in front of me. Maybe I should let myself relax. I was still a teenager and anyone could agree that this much of a responsibility called for a break every now and then.

"What's on your mind Princess," Cat purred, pushing my hair out of my face.

"I'm not your Princess Cat Noir," I giggled.

"I never said you were mine Marinette. Unless that's what you want to be," he said softly.

I'm not sure if it was the blood moon invigorating something within me,

or if Cat really was super charming,

or if I was ready to move on

or if I had already fallen asleep and was completely dreaming,

but I went for it.

Something about his lips felt familiar. It felt right. All of my worries suddenly disappeared through something as simple as a fortuitous kiss. I felt my walls of anxiety breaking down at the hands of something so pure and definite. There had been a glitch in my feelings, in my thought processes. I would've never kissed Cat Noir on a whim or due to loneliness, but I didn't want it to end.

As soon as Cat's hands were placed on the back of my neck, I had fully malfunctioned. I was just Cat's friend, nothing more. This would just be a one time occurrence...right?

I wasn't sure what time it was when we finally parted, lips close enough to kiss, but far enough to smile alone. We were both flustered, out of breath, and unsure of what to say. Instead of a verbal goodbye, Cat placed my hair behind my ear and kissed my cheek, conveying his message intimately.

I had a feeling I was going to see him on most nights on my balcony, and I wasn't opposed to that. I climbed into my bed, praying I wouldn't wake from the most incandescent dream I have ever had.

A/N: Hi! I have written out multiple one shots since I first started watching this show so any similarities to current episodes are purely accidental. I've written on wattpad before, for different fandoms of course, and am so excited to continue this. Comments and DMS are always welcome :)
~ M

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