paris (adrienette)

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"romance is not dead, if you keep it just yours"

♡ Marinette ♡

I hated how long Ms. Bustier dragged along her lesson plan involving romantic literature. It was all painfully unrealistic. A kiss did not really save the princess, sometimes what she needed was a true romance, not just a peck on the lips and a pathetic man. This day indeed was not passing by and it was physically revolting. Alya noticed I was on edge too, so much so that she offered her brownie during lunch. 

Usually, I would be participating in class more often, but my mind was somewhere else, to say the least. I stared at his gorgeous blonde hair for the majority of the class, I hated that I could only see the back of his head unless he turned to look at me. But when he did turn around, I felt like I was truly melting. His green eyes would gracefully meet mine and he would do his cute little eyebrow scrunch as he whispered a quick "hey!" as his smile widened. He was always so happy and beautiful and cute and I didn't even realize the bell had rung for the end of class until I noticed his beautiful blonde head move away. I started to pack my stuff when I noticed a note stuck to my textbook:

Locker room in 5? See you soon Mon Chéri...

As everyone else emptied out of the classroom I traced the handwritten words with my fingertips and giggled to myself. I was in the best relationship of my life and no one even knew. I quickly stuffed the rest of my things into my bag and got ready to run out the door before I tripped on the last stair and sighed. I really needed to calm down.

I took the stairs down to the locker room, careful to avoid eye contact with anyone, and snuck right into the boys' locker room. It was very empty, but I wasn't surprised, it was the Friday before a long break so everyone was eager to get home. I walked around quietly, unsure of which room he would be in until I felt arms around my waist, pulling me into the room behind me.

"I've been waiting for you all week," Adrien gasped between kisses, "It's so hard to pretend I'm not in love with you every time I see you, Mari."

His kisses were always so violent on Fridays, but I wasn't complaining. I grabbed the back of his head as his passion accelerated and he backed us up to the wall, making sure he made the most of the five extra minutes he was allowed at school. 

"What if someone walks in?" I whispered, gasping as he began to kiss my neck.

"No one will walk in," he assured me, "We still have," he glanced at his watch, "four and a half minutes before my bodyguard will get suspicious." 

I didn't open my mouth to argue because I would give anything to stay with Adrien all day just to make out with him. His lips were so tender I couldn't get enough of him. I found his hands sneaking up my shirt so I tangled mine in his soft hair. I wanted him so bad. 

"Yo Adrien?" we heard a voice. I panicked, almost jumping away from him. We didn't know what to do, so Adrien just shoved me into his locker, whispered a quick apology, and closed it. I knew the voice was Nino, I just didn't know he was still in the building. He was supposed to be with Alya grabbing some food, I double-checked with her after her last class. 

Adrien played it off super cool. He had his back against the locker so Nino wouldn't suspect that he was hiding me, not that he would anyway, Nino was very oblivious. He just wanted to ask Adrien about a textbook he couldn't find and Adrien just rushed the conversation to get rid of him. Unfortunately, I heard a girl's voice enter the locker room and sighed, I would be here longer than I thought. Adrien was the sweetest person, but that meant he was too polite to get out of conversations. 

"Nino, did you find it?" It was Alya. Did they ditch grabbing food to look for a textbook? That didn't sound like them. She ended up walking over to say hello to Adrien and made small talk and poor Adrien just reciprocated. I had to admit, it was getting hot and Alya showed no signs of going anytime soon. They even invited Adrien to get food with them, but he denied it of course. Then, Alya suggested I go with them too and I was angrily cursing at her from under my breath until she said she was going to call me. My eyes widened in fear because my cell phone went off and I knew everyone heard it. I had no idea how Adrien was going to get us out of this one. Before I knew it, Adrien had no choice but to open his locker and I fell right out. 

"Oh, there you are! Found you," Adrien laughed nervously, "We were playing hide and seek," he said awkwardly, not even trying to sound believable.

Alya squinted at us, eyeing Adrien, then me, then Adrien again until her eyes widened and she told Nino to go check in the art classroom for his book because he was there before lunch and he agreed.

"No fucking way," she squealed.

"What?" Adrien asked innocently.

"You guys were making out," she said plainly, "Very bold of you to just go at it in the locker room."

Adrien tried to make up an excuse but I just sighed and gave in,

"Please don't tell anyone, we barely find the time to even be together for over a few hours before Adrien has to be somewhere so we've just been stealing moments."

"So cute," Alya grinned, "Don't worry girl your secret is safe with me,"

"No one was supposed to know," Adrien sighed sadly, "If this secret gets out, everything will go downhill we've been doing this for six months at this point and I'm scared if others were to know it would mess things up, and-"

"WOAH SIX MONTHS?" Alya exclaimed, "How did no one catch you guys in that much time? How did this even start? What-"

"There's too much to get into Alya," I giggled before reaching for Adrien's hand, "You worry too much. Let's meet near the tower tonight. You know what time, just tell your bodyguard it's a school project? That usually works," 

Alya smiled and bid us farewell and I kissed Adrien goodbye too. I wasn't too upset about Alya knowing, everyone would figure it out eventually, especially if this relationship matured. Alya deserved to know and I had full faith that she wouldn't tell a single soul because she knew how important this was to me if I had been keeping it a secret for so long. 

As I walked home, my mind went straight to Adrien and how he must be so anxious about what had happened. He texted me when he reached home and mentioned how he was missing me, but I could sense the tension. I texted back explaining he had nothing to worry about and he sent me some heart emojis so I felt a little more at ease. I wish I could always be there to reassure him, he had issues when it came to trust and words of affirmation and I wish I could do more to help him. 

Adrien and I agreed that the Eiffel Tower sparkling was very touristy and vowed we wouldn't be the Parisians caught enjoying it when it happened, but that changed very fast. We had found a spot near the tower where no one ever went. There was one night when Adrien snuck out and we stayed in our spot all night, kissed each time the tower sparkled, and giggled at everything. He was someone I felt so comfortable with all the time and the privacy of our relationship made it all the more special. 

When I got to our spot, Adrien was already there, same attire, same fresh pink roses, and same smile. He was seriously too good to be true. I wish this could last forever. I never wanted Adrien to stop loving me. Part of me wanted to give everything up and move across the world to be with him, away from it all. He was always the one my love letters were for and I would devote everything to write my love out in swooping, sloping cursive letters. As the lights twinkled, Adrien held up my chin so our lips would meet, embracing me with the love he had to give me. 

We didn't even notice that the Eiffel Tower had been knocked over by yet another akumatized villain, or that helicopters were swarming the area to report the new victim. All I could sense were his lips and at that moment, we weren't in Paris anymore.

We were in our own little world, somewhere else, and I was okay with that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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