New feelings and friends

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Pepper's Pov

Lately Bella has been busy with football and dealing with the guys problems but since my b-day party is today, she is going to hang with me. It is a Paris themed party and I am super excited. Its girls only.

I was on my way to pick up Bella since she had football practice. We were really late. Right as we were about to leave, the tornado alarm came on...horrible timing. Now I have to wait here in the school, as my dad takes my place at the party. I see Bella, Sophie, Newt, Troy and Sawyer talking, but I have no idea what it is about. Why would they exclude me.

Bella's Pov

I knew what I was doing pairing Sawyer and Pepper together, Sawyer has grown to like Pepper and what they need a that little push, for magical things to happen. The reason I put Sophie with Troy is because I might have a crush on Troy, but no one can know. Wait what if Troy gets feelings for Sophie and Sophie gets feelings for Troy, oh no no no no. Wait that can't happen Newt would not let it happen. Ok so now all I have to do is decorate the gym during a tornado warning.

Sawyer's Pov

So I have done everything to my ability to try to keep Pepper distracted, but its not working so well. When we were walking to the front of the school, I see Bella and Newt and I had not choice but to take Pepper into the guys changing room. She started to get bored, and so was I, so I decided to slam my hand on the first aid kit.

P= Pepper

S= Sawyer

S: Oww

P: what happened Sawyer?

S: I hurt my hand by the safety kit,

P: here, I will wrap your hand. How Ironic, injured by the safety kit.

S: Actually safety kits, are the #1 cause of injuries to safety warrants, Second is wrapping to tightly, you better start over.

She gives me the evil eye. When she touched my hand I felt a tingle go through my body. What could it mean.

In the school's kitchen

Sophie's Pov

Ugh. Did Bella REALLY have to pair me with "The Troy"he is so full of himself. We both have to make a cake. I thought it would be great to use my abuela's recipe for a tres leche cake. But Troy wants to make a surprise cake. He does not know what he is doing. I wish I was paired up with Newt, at least then I would be doing the cake that would make Pepper's birthday sweeter.

Convo between Troy and Sophie

S= Sophie T= Troy

S: We are making my abuela's tres leche cake

T: No we are going to make my surprise cake

Bella and The Bulldogs       My crush list (pepper and sawyer)Where stories live. Discover now