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A man and a woman are camping in the forest. Fog descends around the tent that they are laying in.

"Hey. Did you hear that?" The woman asks the man.

"Hear what?" The man questions the woman.

"I heard thunder", "There's no thunder."

"Are you sure? Because it if rains, then we won't be able to see the comet", "It's not gonna rain. Listen, I...got you little something. It's back in the car. Don't you move." He kisses her a bunch of times. "Stay dry", "It's not gonna rain."

The man leaves the tent and noise is heard then a dripping noise pounds onto the tent. The woman smiles triumphantly. "I knew it!"

She climbs out of the tent, "I told you it was gonna rain!" She's confused as it isn't raining at all.

She can't see him, she turns around flashing her flashlight onto their tent and a bunch of blood is on it. The blood is coming from above. She flashes her flashlight up into the tree and there is her boyfriend, dead. His neck has been bitten very badly.

She screams as she runs through the woods to their car. She tries to open the car door but it's locked so it won't budge. "Open! No! Please!"

The car beeps as the doors unlock. The woman looks around nervously.

She looks up and someone drops from the trees, she screams as the person kills her.


Hunter wakes up as the sunlight blinds him. He groans. He opens his eyes and sees he's naked, he remembers last night and looks to his side but Damon isn't there. He's upset. He sits up and sees a letter on his bedside table. He picks it up and looks at what is written on it.

"Morning, Hunter.

Sorry that I left before you waked up.

Don't worry, we will see each other again.

Especially after last night because that was fantastic.


Hunter smiles, blushing.

He opens one of the draws of his bedside table and takes his diary out.

"Dear Diary, I met a guy last night. Shocking, right? I know. We slept together. Even more shocking, who would have thought? Well, if any future Gilbert's read this or just anyone then sorry about this TMI. When I thought about my first time, I thought that would never happen but forget about that. I was scared and worried. But when it actually happened, it was magical. Ew, cringe. I sound like Elena. Enough of that. Anyways, that was what happened last night for me other than the fact that Vicki, Matt's older sister was attacked. I hope she's alright. If she handle a lot of drugs then I'm sure she can handle a bite to the neck. Well, bye. See you soon."

Hunter stands up and pain shoots up his body. He grabs onto his bed. "Holy fuck! That shit hurts Hunter!" He carefully goes to the bathroom to have a shower.

He looks in the mirror and sees many hickey's all over his body, he grins. He has a shower, gets dressed, brushes his teeth, does his skincare and fixes his hair. He walks into the hallway just as Elena does. Jenna is there.

"Do I look adult? As in respectfully parental?"

"Parental Guardians don't look like that", "Depends on where you're going."

"Jeremy's parent-teacher conference. Hair up or down?" Jenna puts her hair up, "Sex stewardess", Elena says. Jenna lets her hair down, "Boozy housewife", Hunter says.

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