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Hunter is sitting at the table in the kitchen eating a bowl of porridge and drinking a class of apple juice when Elena comes in and sits opposite him.

Hunter looks up at her then back down to his food, "Hunter, I'm sorry."


"Hunter, please talk to me."

"Fine. I was too harsh on you. That's all I have to say."

"Hunter. I should have come to you when Jeremy first told me and I should have known about what you do to help with the pain and the grief without Jeremy having to tell me. I'm a bad sister, I get it."

Hunter looks up and takes a deep breath, "Elena. You aren't a bad sister. I'm lucky to have a sister like you, not everyone is lucky enough."

"So, do you forgive me?"

"Of course I do."

Elena smiles and comes over and hugs me, "Don't suffocate me." They both chuckle.

"I love you, El", "I love you too, Hunts." "Really? Hunts?" "It's the best I could think of."


"I'm not saying don't date the guy. I'm just saying take it slow", Bonnie tells Elena.

"You were the one who said go for it."

"Now I'm saying take it slow", "Why the about-face?" "She always has that face", Hunter smiles cheekily. Bonnie gives him a funny glare. "It's not an about-face. You're single for the first time in your entire high school career. It's the perfect time to play field", "Oh, because I'm so that girl. Seriously, what are you not saying?"

"It's stupid."



"Spit it out."

"She accidently touched Stefan and got a really bad feeling", Hunter says. Bonnie looks at Hunter shocked, "How did you know that?" "I had a feeling."

"Is that it? Bonnie?"

"It was bad, bad!"

"Is this the whole witch mojo thing again?"

"She could be a witch. Nothing is impossible."

"You know what? I'm just concerned. This is me expressing concern about my best friend's new boyfriend", "And this is me not giving a concern about my twin sister's new boyfriend because Stefan is an...okay guy."

"So you have no problem with me being with him now?" "I never had a problem with it in the first place. I just didn't care for the spicy deets and I still don't so don't tell me although nothing has happened like that yet", "How do you know?" "It's all about the feelings as I always say." "Well, you're feelings are creeping me out", "Me too", Bonnie says.

Elena turns to Bonnie, "Bonnie, I love you for being concerned, I do. But I feel good. It's been a hard year, and I'm starting to kid of feel like things are getting back to normal again. And you know what? Stefan is a big part of that."


"And you too Hunter", Hunter smiles.


Hunter, Elena and Bonnie are still chatting at the front of the school. Stefan joins in.

"Good morning, Elena. Good morning, Hunter and Bonnie." He is relieved to see that Hunter is alright.

Salvatore Soulmate: I know you're obsessed with meTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang