Chapter 13: What the actual fuck, did you just do?! (Final Pt)

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Chapter 13: What the actual fuck, did you just do?! (Final Pt)


Muffled roars could be heard behind the corridor that UN and EU had entered, along with the occasional thumping, and crashing of something or someone. Nonetheless, they waited patiently for the two organizations to show up with the alleged 'found traitor' many had a guess of who it might be since five seats were empty. Many chatted for a bit before they heard the door handle move, only to go silent, and more muffled yelling could be heard. By now everyone was growing impatient, though no one wanted to speak up about it. That was until a certain entitle European country from the northwest coast decided this would be the 'pErFeCt' time to gain some favor. Rising from the chair, cleared their throat as they descended toward the podium that looked upon the room. He turned on the mic, once again clearing his throat before speaking.

"Ladies, and gentlemen. It seems that UN and EU are in a pickle at the moment, in the meantime, I will begin the meeting. As you all know there seems to be a trai-" England was cut off by the sound of the corridor being kicked open, followed by America stumbling out, frantically looking around the room for someone. Ignoring the looks and whispers of the other countries America ran to the other door that was on the other side of the podium before kicking it open, due to his hands being cuffed. 

"KIDS?! WHERE ARE YOU!?!" He yelled into the room, only to hear muffled screams coming elsewhere from behind him, adrenalin over the roof, and 'fight or die' instincts he yelled once more. "BABIES I NEED YA'LL TO MAKE SOME NOISE SO I CAN FIND YOU!" soon muffled screams and loud bangs could be heard under the floorboards of the podium. Horrified America quickly tried to run over to attempt to break the floorboards only to be stopped by England. 

(America - Italics, England- Normal)

"What the bloody hell are you fucken doing?!"


"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?!"


Before England got to speak again he was headbutted and knocked unconscious, followed by the screams of France. However America didn't care walked over to the man, and looked for a weak spot on the floor he could kick, he found it fairly quickly before remembering his kids could be under there. He yelled down to them to move away from the area he was tapping. Once getting the all-clear, he began attempting to break the floorboard open but quickly found it difficult. Growing desperate he chose to dislocate his thumb to get the handcuffs off, once he did he grabbed England's cane using it to finally break the floor and get to his kids once the hole was large enough.

Throwing the cane away, while ignoring the pain in his right hand. He jumped down to his kids, quickly getting them out before anyone could stop him (How tf security this slow? Oh wait Ame knocked the all out just remembered) and climbed just as quickly back out to see the countries try to get his kids. In split seconds he was there to back them off, or throw punches. That was until he heard a voice that could only be described as candy doused in honey, sprinkled in sugar, and dipped in poison.

"Well, well, well~ Lookie what we have here. My, my, my I never thought I would see SUCH a beautiful sigh't again! HAHAHAHAhhhh Lord! It must be my lucky day! I mean look at you! All momma bear over them! And- oh~ well that a kicker is that TEXAS and the others?! Hohohoho! this JUST keeps getting BETTER! What's next Union?-------------------? -------------! -------------------------! Because I fucken killed ya that many fucken times! Hilarious!" The sound of clacking boots stopped as they reached the bottom of the stairs. The figure towered over America with a shit-eating grin from ear to ear, before bending down to America's ear and whispering. "Let's dance one more time, what do you say HOENY?~"

To be continued...


Dun Dun Dun! Yup, we all know who this is, but what did that last part mean? Has the author been lying or hiding about a few things who knows! But there is no need to panic, this will all be explained in a future chapter! For now, ya'll gotta suffer! cause I'm evil like that. (ÙvÚ)

- Lilly

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