The World's Best TothBrush

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*Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!*

Weiss Schnee was waking up from her sleep, her alarm clock was blaring its noise so close to her bed so it often fell to her to stopping the annoying and loud device.

Sitting up in bed she groggily rubbed her eyes and started to make her way to her dorm rooms bathroom, the one she shared with three other girls that were apart of her team.

Well, it was more like her teammates since the leader of this team of four was Ruby Rose, and together they made up one of the more skilled freshman teams in Beacon Academy, they were known as Team RWBY. "May we reign the ultimate team!" Weiss could hear in her head remember Ruby's words right.

Still half asleep she looked to her mirror and saw herself in a disheveled state. Remembering how far things had come.

Leaving Atlas, coming to Beacon Academy, meeting Ruby, becoming apart of RWBY, the "Blake Hunt". Weiss chuckles at her thoughts thinking about it more as she grabs her toothbrush and toothpaste.

The huge food fight with JNPR, The Investigation, "That Suit looked really good on me." Weiss thought, thinking about wearing it again soon but probably won't, as she brushes her teeth. Weiss' eyes closed as she was still tired.

Then Penny, Torchwick, The Paladin fight, The Dance, Blake's Stubbornness. Again, Jaune, Weiss shakes her head, while she did appreciate what he did for her and Neptune it was a shame things didn't work out with him.

Weiss spits her toothpaste and continues brushing.

Then there was RWBY's first official mission together with Professor Oobleck. "Doctor Oobleck" Weiss corrects herself. Mountain Glenn, the White Fang, it was always the White Fang somehow.

Weiss cleans her toothbrush and wipes her face with a nearby napkin she pulled from a box. Finding the Mouthwash she proceeds to use it.

Then the train, the Grimm attack in the middle of Vale, honestly everything got so crazy so fast it really was exhilarating...

Ruby Rose walks into the bathroom with a yawn, greeting Weiss. "Morning Weiss...", spitting out the mouthwash Weiss replies back.
"Good Morning." She says briefly watching Ruby while grabbing floss.

...and Tiring.

It she weren't reasonable she would be blaming the one person most (Un)likely to be the cause of all this crazy and "Wacky" adventures, at a glance Ruby Rose looked uninteresting but at the same time unique.

A horrible social creature most definitely, but she had the skills and the brain to use her weapon at its fullest potential. If she had any say it had to be her greatest quality was that of a leader.

Weiss continues to floss her teeth.

Yes, she in fact didn't see her as one in the beginning, but she proved herself overtime, with the help of herself most definitely. Weiss would say a little arrogantly.

Dropping her used strips of floss she looks to her partner.

Watching Ruby more closely she had seen her water her toothbrush, and brushed her teeth without toothpaste.
Weiss perked up at seeing this.
After a small session of brushing Ruby watered her toothbrush and put it away again in the same place she always put it.

An angry anime tick mark could be seen on Weiss' head, without notice she pulled the startled Ruby back to her spot next to her.

"If you think I'm letting you go out with unbrushed teeth think again." Weiss said.
"But I already did brushed my teeth?" Ruby said confused.

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