"Blue: The Man Not Alone"

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When Weiss had woken up that day, she was prepared for her day. She had a plan and was looking to follow that plan the best she could.

Her and her team would wake up and get ready.

They would go to breakfast.

Then they would go on to do their own things for a good part of the day before meeting back up for Lunch.

Blake had needed Yang to help with something in Vale while Ruby went off to help Jaune Arc study for a Leadership Class Test the two were required to take.

As for Weiss she continued her studies, grabbing book after book from the Academy Library she devoted herself to researching her "Dust Theories" and re-remembering her Dust Knowledge.

After all, as Heiress to a Multinational Dust Business such a thing was highly needed. Eventually somehow there was a gap to her knowledge when it came to Water and Fire Dust.

She had forgotten it.

"An easy fix." Thinks Weiss as she looks through her book on Dust and finds the common combinations and how they mix. "Combustion, Lightning, Fire, Gravity, Ice, Plant- Ah ha! Steam."

Reading more on it she remembered that Steam was first found in a Dust Mine that had both Fire and Water Dust Gems formed near each other. With Water Dust forming and pieces falling off of it time and time again in such an enclosed space the cave would be found filled with steam.

Grabbing a special device nearby to help with testing Dust Crystals she would place both Water and Fire Dust Crystals in two glass containers opposite to each other.

With a twist and a bit of aura the metal middle that disconnected the two containers opened itself and the two Crystals reacted, and inside of the device held steam.

This would be considered elementary to a Schnee Dust Company Heiress which brought the more complicated part, which could be the most riskiest.

By applying Wind Dust to the mix you could theoretically make a scalding steam tornado since the Steam is about as hot as a Fire Dust Explosive when mixed like this.

Grabbing a third container and putting a Wind Dust Crystal inside of it she would connect it to the end of the glass Cylinder just as she did like the first two.

With a bit of Aura and a Twist-


The Wind Cylinder disconnects from the Steam Cylinders and suddenly the room becomes enveloped like a Steamy Sauna.


"Do you have any idea how dangerous that was! Why are you barging into our room like a lunatic anyway!? That's two experimental Dust Testing Containers seriously unserviceable!"

Weiss yelled to an almost apologetic Yang as she could only scratch her head at the brazenness of her actions since mostly everything was now damp and ruined in their room.

"Relax Weiss, it's not like we can't dry all of our stuff off right?"

"For our stuff yeah sure I couldn't care less, but when ALL of my most important Dust Notes were at GROUND ZERO. I think I have a right to be more than a little "Miffed", Thank you very much!"

Blake tried to gain the arguing two's attention, "Uh, guys?"

"Okay, maybe you have a point there. But I'm sure you can just, remake it all, you're a genius right?" Yang said trying to find the right words to get out of this mess.

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