'New Scientist' New Magazine

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Two members of RWBY could be seen eating, it was lunchtime at Beacon Academy and the two were in the cafeteria with many students around them dining as well.

But only one of these two was eating her food because various thoughts plagued the red hooded girl also known as Ruby.

Ruby had done nothing but poke at her food, for she was disturbed at what Blue the Painting Man was saying yesterday. She couldn't help but wonder what he meant.

"He was not alone, what did he mean by that?" Ruby thought, while eating Weiss could see from her expression that she was stuck, so she made her voice heard.

"You know thinking is only going to hurt your head so you might as well stop." Weiss said her expression unchanged and she ate another bite of her food.

"What?" Ruby replied back confused.

"I said you shouldn't think too hard about what Blue said, it's obvious he isn't the weirdest thing to happen and he won't be the last." Weiss continues eating.

"I mean yeah, but what are we going to do? What if these things get even more dangerous? What if...what if we're the only ones who can fix this! What if-" *Smack!!* "AHH!"

Using her Aura Weiss had flicked Ruby's forehead, "Well you aren't going anywhere if you freak out about it constantly. We'll just have to deal with it when it comes then."


Ruby tried to say until Weiss cut her off, using het pointer finger she raised high in her face to quiet her teammate.

"We'll deal, when it comes. Okay?"


"Great! Now eat, you'll need your strength for when it does come. Or whatever migraine decides to join us..." She said with a sneer.

"Hey! Ruby, Weiss!" A voice yells out to the two as he approaches the two, his team following behind him.

"And there it is, Jaune Arc! What are you yelling about?!" Weiss yelled annoyed at the boy who didn't look all that concerned about his frantic mood.

"I'm so glad I caught you guys, now please tell me I'm not crazy." He said placing himself in front of the two on the other side of the table. His hands leaning on it.

"You aren't?" Ruby joked, "While I would, you've done some insane stuff already so..." Weiss mentioned.

"Oh come on! This is no time for jokes!"

"Now Jaune, whatever you're talking about I'm sure you're just misremembering it." Pyrrha tried to say in hopes of placating her Partner.

"But Pyrrha! Something is definitely wrong I'm sure of it! It can't be right..." He saw dropping to the floor and curling into a ball.

Pyrrha continued to talk to Jaune as to assure of him of what exactly he was talking about. While Ren and Nora watched one, both unsure about what they were watching.

Weiss decided to speak up, "Okay, what's his problem?" She said with a deadpanned look while Ruby watched on with a worried face.

Ren sighs as he explained what happened, "Well it started this morning when Nora was studying for Ms. Peach's class. Then a certain question popped up which she asked Jaune about."

"So why ask him?" Weiss asked.

"One of his sisters is a great flower girl and he taught him stuff about fruits and whatever." Nora mentioned watching Pyrrha help Jaune with some breathing exercises.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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