Mr The Narcissist 🪞

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We all know narcissists; they're common among both men and women. But while you might be okay with a friend exhibing some of those traits, the man you love could be too much to handle.

To spot a narcissist early on, he'll likely be some or all of these:






He seems to cast a spell on everyone, wherever he goes - but once hooked, you'll have to face his true colors:

Low self-confidence



He wants to always be right, and always be the center of attention - and it begins to take its toll on you.

What does dating him say about you?

If you're attracted to a narcissist, chances are you exhibit some of those traits too. And in reality, you dislike yourself immensely. The best way to heal a narcissist is with an open and honest conversation, time, and courage.


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