Mr Parasite 🐀

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The Parasite man might not exhibit his traits straight away. In fact, they are often concealed behind a narcissistic nature, a charismatic personality, or a pretty face. Deep down, however, he wants to leech onto you - and that's just his way of getting what he wants.

He's TLC's definition of a "Scrub". He doesn't care about you; he only wants whatever help he can get - at your expense. Mr. Parasite can be spotted exhibiting one or more of the following traits:

He never has money, and is always "just a pay check away" - so you have to lend him money or pay for things.
He's always "misunderstood" at work or doesn't have a solid job, so expects you to pull some strings to get him a "proper" job.
He doesn't feel the need to work at all - and lives with his parents... or on your couch.
He has an opinion on everything and tries to outshine you in front of your friends.
What does dating him say about you?

No offense meant, but you're an extremely insecure woman - and you probably know it. You have low self-esteem, no matter what your achievements are. The Parasite man needs you a lot more than you need him, and yet you can't see that he's ultimately using you.

You want the attention, you're desperate to have someone, and are petrified of being single - but those aren't reasons to allow someone to take advantage of you.


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