Mr Emotionally Unavailable ⏱️

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This man just won't show up for you the way other men do. Instead, he's always full of excuses as to why he's not quite ready to commit yet. He likes to talk about the past and compare situations or people as if to justify his commitment issues.

He might tell you he likes you - but he equally warns you that he isn't looking for anything serious. If you try to talk to him about it, he pretends there's nothing to talk about. He's the type of guy who Keeps You Around Without a Relationship.

Emotionally unavailable men aren't easy to date or to love. You might spend months or even years with someone who just keeps you at an arm's length and doesn't seem to commit to you.

What does dating him say about you?

You have low self-esteem and don't feel deserving of true love. You pick a guy who's difficult because you know it won't work out, and then you can blame him instead of yourself.

This feeling of unworthiness probably started in your childhood or teenage years when a significant person in your life failed to show up. Children of divorced parents can often seek emotionally unavailable partners because it's easier to anticipate the abandonment - and therefore choose it, rather than waiting for it to "inevitably" come out of nowhere.

In order to start going for a different type of guy, you need to confront yourself and forgive the person who failed you. It'll take some healing but it will be worth it.


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