Mr Taken👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

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Mr. Taken is so attractive that you can't stop thinking about him - mainly, because he's not available. You see this as a challenge, which excites you! He's married, engaged, or in a serious relationship with another woman - and yet, you take it upon yourself to impress him.

Mr. Taken is bad news because he'll leave you heartbroken and won't leave his partner. Just think about the toxic relationship between Carrie and Mr. Big in Sex and The City.

Mr. Taken doesn't owe you anything - but he'll take the attention, the sex, and the perks of being with you, and leave you hanging in the end.

What does dating him say about you?

Put frankly, you're a side chick. You need to work on your self-esteem and self-love - and you had better start now. Carrying on with this type of "relationship" is simply bad for you, and you know it.

The truth is, no matter how much you like or even love him, you are ultimately dating a cheater. That's who he is!

Is that who you want to end up with? He'll easily do the same thing to you. What kind of loving relationship is that?


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