Chapter 1

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"Love is fragile, love is eternal. Love may come when you least expect it."


That's what my romance novel says anyways.

I'm packing my bag as I adjust my sleeves. After a long period of advanced calculus, I'm pretty exhausted. Well, I did zone off for a bit in my romance novel, but I was concentrated most of the period, I swear.

It's the break period now, and I am free to do as I please.

However, as the student council president, I feel as if I should do my daily patrolling. This high school is full of troublemakers. I'm not exaggerating.

I walk to the classroom door, I quickly glance back to the classroom behind me before walking out, and as soon as I step out I'm immediately greeted by a boy.

He seems to be.. excited..? I've never seen him before in my life. He's shorter than me, he reaches to about my shoulder. Well, he's a bit taller than that but still..
He has spiky yellow hair and he doesn't seem to be in my year.


He's waving excitedly.

"Um.. hi? Did you need anything?" I hesitantly say. He seems a bit too excited for his own good.

He seems to blush at me. "Hehe, yes! I'm looking for a person named Flower! Have you seen her?"

I quickly debate with myself whether I should tell him or not that I'M Flower, but I end up telling him anyways.

"Uh.. I'm Flower."

I regret telling him.

"OH HI! I'M LEN! LEN KAGAMINE!! I'M A YEAR YOUNGER THAN YOOUU~! ♡" He exclaims super excitedly.

"Ah. Hello, Kagamine..kouhai.. If you're an underclassman, what are you doing on the 4th floor..?"

Len bounces up and down excitedly. "WELL! ♡ YOU SEE, I'm new here! The principal said you have to show me arounddd! Also, did I ever mention how nice your hair looks today?"

"My.. hair..?"
I was getting confused. "Wait, the principal? Guiding you?"

He tilts his head a little confused. "Well, duh! You're the student council president right? It's a piece of cake for you, Flower-senpai! ♡"

I turn away and roll my eyes, somewhat annoyed with his speech pattern and the principal.
"Hm.. I guess I could show you around the school until the break period is over.."

Len immediately grabs my wrist excitedly.
"Great! ♡ What's our first stop Flower-senpai??"

I sigh, and think for a second or two.
"How about.. the library?"

He starts dragging me around.
"The library? Oh yeah! You love books right? Like this one?"

He holds up the romance novel I had in my bag.

"How did you-?!" I snatch my book back, burying it deep into my bag.

He smiles at how embarrassed I am.
"Hehe, jeez you sure are cute when embarrassed, senpai! But it was on the floor, I assumed you dropped it so I picked it up for you! ♡"

I roll my eyes again. Great, I have to guide this boy around, and this boy seems to be quite the hyper one.

I couldn't even finish my thought when Len started running in the halls, trying to find the library.

"Stop running! And you're going the wrong way!" I gasp out.

"Oops! Sorry, Flower-senpai! But you're really hot when you scold me~! ♡"

He turns around and starts dragging me the other direction, running despite me telling him not to. Great.

Her Smile // Kagamine Len (鏡音レン) x VFlower // Senpenbanka Egoism AU // VocaloidWhere stories live. Discover now